There's always a price to pay for good things

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Warning this made me literally cry while writing soo

Ig some ppl could say this is angst


You have been warned pooks


It was time for us to have free time to go outside the dorms and school. Me and Kacchan walked to my house and we were both extremely nervous because we were gonna tell our parents our sexuality and that we are dating. It's really stressful. Kacchan must've been nervous or noticed I was nervous because when we were walking to my house he held my hand and smiled.

We invited Kacchans family for a hangout so we could tell our parents together. We walked in to my mom, Mitsuki, and Masaru all on the couch talking. I took a deep breath then stood in front of them while on the couch, Kacchan following behind. "Mom, Mr, and Mrs Katsuki, me and Kacchan have something to tell you." I don't think they noticed us still holding hands yet so I didn't let go of Kacchans hand. "Yes Izuku dear? We're all ears" I took a deep breath and was about to speak before Kacchan just butted in and said, "We're gay as fuck and we're also dating." Katsukis parents looked surprised but my mom didn't. "Well, pay up you two you lost the bet" my mother said as Kacchans parents were pulling out their wallets. "WAIT YALL BETTED ON US!" Kacchan yelled and the parents all nodded while laughing a bit.

"How about we go all go hang out at the mall to celebrate you two's pride." Mitsuki said smiling. "Sounds good old hag" Kacchan said. "Yeah sure" me and my mom said at the same time. We both chuckled a bit.

We got in our cars. The Bakugou family in theirs and me and mom in ours. After 20 minutes we finally arrived at the mall. As soon as I got out Kacchan said, "Oi Deku, race me to the entrance?" I smirked and replied, "game on!" We started running for the two doors that were side by side with a sign on one that said "we're open 24/7" with a sign that also said their Holliday schedules.

 Kacchan ended up beating me but he used his explosions to win so it wasn't fair. We waited a minute at the door for our parents and when they finally got to us Kacchan said, "finally slow-pokes" and started walking ahead I giggled at this and followed behind him.

We firstly entered a store that said "D&G" there was some fancy wear like dresses and tuxes but there were also normal everyday clothes like shirts, jackets, hoodies, and pants.but I just got a red hoodie with their logo on it and some black jeans. Kacchan got a white shirt with a black skull on it, some dark blue jogging pants. Mitsuki got a red dress, while Masaru got a red button up shirt along with some cackies. My mom didn't seem interested in anything though so she didn't get anything. Once we chose out our clothes we went up to the counter to pay for them.

~~time skip~~

We had a lot of bags in our hands and we were walking to our cars. I kissed Kacchan on the cheek, Mitsuki started giving us a knowing look but Masaru not even paying attention. I then got into the car with my mom, Kacchan smirked and said "bye nerd" and all before going into his car. My mother drove from the parking lot and into the open road. About halfway there while she was driving home, I noticed my mom doseing off. 'WAIT DID SHE TAKE HER MEDICATIONS' I thought as she suddenly passed out in the middle of driving and our car was going off track. I managed to use blackwhip to take control of the wheel. I pulled us over while calling the ambulance with my phone. The sirens soon came, I wasn't able to be in the ambulance car with my mom so I decided to drive behind the ambulance escorting my mom to the hospital since I had my drivers license. (let's just pretend it's legal for a 14 year old to have a license 😐) 

When I arrived at the hospital I parked the car and walked into the hospital. I was scared that my mom wouldn't survive. I walked into the front room of the hospital and sat down in one of the waiting room chairs and ended up falling asleep there. 

When I woke up and let I let out a yawn, realizeing where I was and what had happened the previous day. I walked up to the counter to the reseoptionist there was a bit of a line in front of me but I was willing to wait. Once I got to the front, the reseoptionist I said, "Hello, welcome to Jaku hospital, how may I help you sir?" A short bearded man said with a smile, he looked old and had on green and gold glasses, he also had a doctor like coat on wich was weird considering he was only a reseoptionist "Hello, I am Izuku Midorya, Inko Midorya's son. Is there any information about what happened my mother last night?" He started typing on his computer and responded with, "Inko Midorya, oh yes, but it's not good news, she died at 3:28 AM this morning, I'm sorry for your loss." 

I covered my mouth as I felt tears well up in my eyes. "O-okay th-thank you." I speed walked out of the hospital and opened my car door, once I was in the car, I started crying. I can't believe she's gone, my dad left when I was 5 year old so I have no one left! She was the only one I had left, why did she have to leave. I cried and cried, that's all I could do. I usually have a solution for almost anything, but not this time I don't know what to do. I was alone, who would pay the bills, how would I live I'm only 14!

I sat there in the car crying in the car for about an hour before going home. When I got home I was greeted with an empty house. No one there. Mom would usually be on the couch greeting me from whatever I was doing, either on the couch, cooking dinner, or cleaning. I started to tear up again. She's really gone. I walked up the starts and walked into to my room and sat on my bed. I didn't know what to do. To think last night I was having a fantastic with Kacchan, his parents, and my mom. I opened my phone and saw that there were missed calls from Kacchan and Uraraka. I texted them to meet me at my house and I'll explain why I wasn't answering them.

I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw both Uraraka and Kacchan. "H-hi guys" I said my voice cracking since I was crying for so long. They must've known something was wrong because they both hugged me. "Nerd, tell us what's wrong, I can tell you've been crying" I immediately started crying. "M-my mom for-forgot to take h-her medications and n-now she- she's gone" I said stuttering while crying.

I heard a small gasp from Uraraka. Kacchan picked me up and carried me to the couch and placed me on his lap, Uraraka sat next to us. I put my head in the crook of his neck not wanting for him to even move. I just wanted to be with Uraraka, my best friend, and Kacchan, my boyfriend, I soon drifted off to sleep in Kacchans arms. Still slightly crying.

______________________________________________ I'm not crying! You are! 😭😭😭😭 No put srsly I'm crying I wanted to make something to keep it going and it just ended up being sad! Okay but guys I hope you have a great day!

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