6 - WAFFLES - Maya

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I woke up late the next morning, finding myself in a mysterious bed, so I shot up in a panic and rushed out from the bedroom door

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I woke up late the next morning, finding myself in a mysterious bed, so I shot up in a panic and rushed out from the bedroom door.

Now I found myself slowly stepping through this mysterious apartment and glancing around nervously.

I was alone when I woke up, and... I didn't really remember how I got here.

Who's place was this? Was I kidnapped?

But—right as I made it to the kitchen—a man came stepping out from the fridge, making me freeze when Kai looked up from his phone.

"Oh, hey," he said, "morning."

Five minutes later, I found myself sitting at his coffee table while he set a pair of frozen waffles—that were now cooked—on the table, and I gazed up at him, eyes sparkling.

"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do this."

He just sat down next to me. "Sorry I don't have something more substantial. I haven't gone grocery shopping yet."

I just waved off his concern and stared down at the plate, then back at him. "Oh, uhm... if you don't mind me asking... how did I get into your apartment?"

He just smiled, making heat rise to my cheeks.

He hadn't smiled before and he had been more often... it was odd.

"We went to that work party last night," he told me, making my lips part, "and they forced you to drink a little too much so you got a little tipsy."

"Oh," I said, gazing down at the plate. "Sorry, about that."

He just shook his head. "It's fine. We don't have work today, so...." He trailed off. "Anyway," he said, making me glance up, "someone took your house keys, so I was going to meet up with them later today to retrieve them."

"Oh," I said, "okay."

He just smiled and got to a more comfortable position, and nodded to the waffles.

I blinked and caught the fork and knife, starting to cut them.

He just smiled, watching me as I popped a little in my mouth and chewed.

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