0- Prologue -0

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Sakura hates dreaming. She really does.

At first it was faint recollections, small, irrelevant things she dreamt about. And during the day, she found herself having vague flashbacks occasionally when she trained herself to the bone, as if she had already done all that. All that started when she was about two to three years old.

As the years went by, her dreams became more vivid and evocative. Most of the time her dreams consisted of five specific individuals. The first was a boy she's seen grow up from a loud and eccentric kid, to a strong and dedicated young man. In her family, who're the only people she knows, she can undeniably say that she has never encountered someone with such a bright personality.

The second one had a personality she was acquainted with quite well, which might be the reason she was not very fond of his recollections. Just looking at him, she could get a plain picture of how he was a person. But there were always too many missing pieces to fully understand him.

If she had to be honest, he kind of reminded Sakura of her brothers. Stuck up, arrogant, and conceited. Though, there was also something else that set him apart. Loneliness. A loneliness so painful and ghastly, her heart starts to ache for him. It wasn't because he seemed to be antisocial, but more like he couldn't connect to others.

She supposes that's something he and the first boy had in common despite their apparent contrasting personalities. But as they say, differences attract each other.

The third was a girl she's seen herself grow up with. It started out as a sweet and innocent friendship, before it all turned sour. She can't quite remember why their relationship ended and where their petty rivalry started, but she knows it was because of a ridiculous reason. The harder she tries to remember, the more she feels the guilt in her chest. She wondered what had happened, but she had a feeling it was because of her, yet... not really her.

But as she saw the time pass for the two friends, she felt her soul lighten when they started to restore their friendship.

The next individual she dreamed of was a man. She didn't know how old he was as he seemed to have an ageless appearance since the day they had first ever met. With his gravity defying hair and leisure demeanor, he brought a certain solace to her, that everything would be alright as he would help her relive whatever burdens she carried like a father would.

He was certainly nothing like her family members, but she liked that about him.

The fifth and final person was a beautiful woman with soft honey blonde hair and unwavering cognac brown eyes. She was incredibly strong and proved resilient to the very end. She was someone, despite never actually knowing her, who young Sakura wanted to be like.

Every time she had a memory about that woman, she sensed warmth swell up inside her as she felt, what she thinks is, a mother's love.

They were nice dreams, until they weren't. She doesn't know when it started, but every time she dreams about them again, she feels pained when she sees their faces, as if something terrible had happened. Sakura tried to dig in deeper into whatever dreams or 'memories' they were, but every time she tried doing so, she felt an inexplicable headache arise, pounding her skull with an immense force as she tried to uncover whatever truth there was. It was as if something was preventing her from knowing what happened.

And she thinks that's for the better.

She isn't sure, but Sakura is convinced that she's the one unconsciously blocking herself from those dreams to prevent her from uncovering the whole truth. She doesn't know why, but she feels a certain melancholy and misery when she thinks about those five, especially when it comes to the two boys.

She wished she knew why she felt that way towards a bunch of total strangers, but deep inside her, they weren't strangers.

Sakura stopped thinking about them too seriously after a few years, but at the back of her mind, they were always there, never to disappear from her memories. But even then, she had a cloud of sadness following her whenever she was reminded of one of her dreams, even if it wasn't something depressing or solemn, it pained her too much to even remember a wisp of what it was.

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