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There always seemed to be a certain bit of desolation following Sakura whenever it comes to her family. It wasn't because they all perished and died a horrible death, no. It wasn't anything like that, but there were certainly times where she wished they did; and as time went on, she started to wish a little harder.

It was because they treated her cousins, who were two of the very, very few people in their clan that she actually cared about, like scum. They were treated like the black sheep of the family, more so Maki than her younger sister.

Sakura found that to be pretty stupid.

The two were at the age where they should begin to start seeing curses and developing their cursed technique, but only one had cursed energy. And very little at that. Everybody, including their own parents, called them a disgrace of the clan. Mai had gotten it relatively easier in some ways than Maki had because at the very least, she had cursed energy, whereas her twin did not.

She had heard faint whispers and rumors about another relative of hers that also had zero cursed energy. Every time she heard someone talk about him in hushed tones, they had a scornful face as they uttered curses at the man they called 'Toji'. She didn't bother asking her father or any of her brothers about that man, seeing as how the temperature always seems to drop whenever that name is mentioned. It might have been her imagination, but behind those hateful and derisive faces, there was some sort of terror lurking. Even her father and uncles' usually impassive faces showed the barest amount of unease when they heard that name.

Every so often, she mulls over that. Her father, Naobito, is a Special Grade 1 Sorcerer and one of the strongest in the clan, so for him to guard his expression with a cold front to hide something really doesn't help silence Sakura's curiosity.

So with all that, it left her with one viable option, as much as she hated.

Her brother.

She had three older brother's in total. The oldest two were her half brothers, born to her father's first wife. She wasn't close to them at all and rarely saw them unless they were all required to attend something, but she really didn't bother with them nor did she care. Her other brother, Naoya, on the other hand, was someone she truly did detest despite sharing the same mother. To her, he was the embodiment of a crude, egotistic, and all round pompous jerk. Sakura tried avoiding him whenever she could as most of their interactions were... anarchic for lack of better words.

So in retrospect, she really should have not asked him out of all people knowing how he was.




"Anija." Walking up to her older brother, Sakura spoke as dismissed the servants, much to Naoya's annoyance. "I have a question."

The blond rolled his eyes as he paid her no heed, finding more interest in his book. "And why not ask Tou-sama? Or literally, anybody else other than me? I'm sure that they would be more than willing to."

"Because, I have a feeling that they wouldn't, anija." The pinkette said, her voice strained as she tried to not let her irritation seep into her words. She can't have him outright denying her. "I was wondering if you knew of a Zen'in Toji."

Naoya froze for a moment. He's obviously heard of that man, even met him for as brief as it was. Many still talk about him, whispering behind closed doors in spite of it being taboo in the clan. Composing himself, he put on a nonchalant facade as he set down his book and looked at his younger sister.

"I knew of him, not like it's any of your business." He added snidely. "Moreover, what's it to you? I know how much everybody here likes to gossip, but why do you even care? You're just a baby."

Sakura clenched her tiny fists as an irked expression overtook her face. "First of all, I'm not a 'baby', anija; I'm almost six. And second of all, I'm not an idiot. I can see how Tou-sama and everybody acts when they hear that name."

"Is that so?" The blond hummed to himself as he flicked the five year old's forehead with his index finger, much to her indignation. He wasn't surprised that she noticed how the ambience grows cold and everyone tensing up with how their elder brothers react. They don't exactly try to hide their distaste regarding their cousin. He himself finds that to be quite pious when they so blatantly make show of their weapons when they were so against Toji. Truly, they were the most pathetic in his eyes.

"Well, for one, he's our cousin. Our uncle's son." Noaya said, keeping it vague. "But he left years ago, so you wouldn't know him."

"That's not exactly what I was hoping to know..." Sakura grumbled. "You barely told me anything."

"Please, either way, this wouldn't be of benefit to you." The brown eyed teen voiced. "That man no longer has anything to do with the Zen'in clan. What were you even hoping to learn?"

The pinkette put on a closed off expression as she brooded a bit. She wasn't really fond of disclosing that with her brother, but unfortunately, her reaction alone was enough for him to deduce that.

"Ohh... that explains things." Naoya wore a condescending smile as he peered down at his sister. They were siblings, so it's only natural for him to mess with her after all. "If you really want to know, I'll tell you."

"Really?" Sakura eyed him skeptically. Over time she learned the hard way to never trust her brother, considering his personality.

"Really." The blond confirmed with a lofty smirk. "So, if you must know, Toji was born without a single ounce of cursed energy, despite being a man. Though, in exchange, he had been gifted incredible inhuman strength and speed."

Kinda like Maki...

"I'm not entirely sure of all the details, but I do know he was severely punished due to not having any cursed energy."


Naoya nodded as Sakura stared at him with rapt attention. "Yup. But, like I said, that wouldn't concern you, unless you by chance happen to have little or no cursed energy. Then of course you'd be curious to know what your future would be like."

Sakura froze as the words sunk into her, her face becoming passive and her posture turning rigid.

Her brother, on other hand, muffled his laugh as he looked at his sister's reaction. "I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up like our brothers, weak and talentless despite having cursed energy. It's no wonder why I'll become the next clan head despite being younger. They really should know they're place by now. And so will you."

The pinkette clenched her hand as a snarl made its way to her face. There was only so much of her brother's ego that she could take. "Don't you compare me to them! I will be strong, stronger than them. I won't turn out like those two, or you." She took a deep breath in as she tried to regain her composure, "And don't worry, anija, I already know my place."

With that, the girl spun around on her heels and walked out of the room, not bothering to see what or how her brother reacted to her little outburst. She'll probably come to regret this, but no matter what, she won't be resigning her will to him nor will she ask for his forgiveness, even if it comes to haunt her later on.

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