chapter 15 explaination

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Can you guess who the lead singer is ?
Comment the AWSWER and you might have a camo appearance in the next chapter.

We where all tried and bet so we went to my place. I had a carry Jack for she was beat up pretty bad. She had cut all over her face and arms. (Though she had a jacket there where tears in the sleeves).
Wakko and Dot where also worn out.

I put them to bed in the guest room. And went to talk to Jack. I had questions. Lots and lots of questions.

I walked in the living room and lend against the wall. She looked up from the couch. She was laying back she head her head against the back of the couch with her feet on the table.

"What?" She asked.

I shrugged. I was made at her.

"When were you going to tell me? How long were you a traveller? "

"Never and 2 years." She said plainly.

"You are my best and might I add only friend I have and you don't tell me?!!"

"I couldn't. Traveller rule number 1 dont tell anyone about being a traveller or your powers are taken away. But that doesn't matter now seeing your a traveller now too."

"Ok fair enough. But you knew John. How? "

"He and his brother have been playing something big for mouths. I was about to bust his brother Hie but i ran into you. We were doing well. We were kicking his but. But, I had bin attack by his brother earlier. So I was a little out of space for this fight."

I sat on the couch opposite of her.
"So what are they playing."

"Dude, if I knew that I would have told you. But, what ever it is it involves Yakko."

"Oh," I said. Feeling stupid for asking that question.

"Look, I sorry. It just..."

"No I get it. Im the newbie. I don't know things. And you know what! I... *tears start to form* I don't belong here. Nor anywhere. Why did I think I could help save the world!?"

"*mumbles* it actually universe's"


"Clar clam down I wasn't..."

"No dont start that lot of .... of bull shit with me!!!!"


I couldn't speack. There was a big lump in my thought. I was crying beyond my control. I wasn't even blinking and hot tears poured down my face. All I couldn't think about was Yakko face right before he disappeared. Pure horror. And trying to tell Wakko and Dot to clam down. But Jack spelled them to sleep and said it was for the best.

I was so distraught that I didn't even feel the hug that Jack was giving me. She was stroking my hair well I hiccup cried.

"Hey, dude you have nothing to be ashamed of. I was the same way when I frist started. I got lost and tried to find my target but accidentally beat up the wrong guy." She laughed.

It made me feel a little better. I was still sad though.

I have such a good friend.

"Hey it time you hit the hey."

"*hiccup* but I don't have any to hit"

She looked like she was going to punch me. "You've been hang with the Warner's too much."

And with that we went to bed.

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