Chapter 5:A Dark Discovery

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It was a blessing and a curse. Mostly Y/N thought that her ability was just a curse. Something that manifested after the worst of the worst had happened.

A curse that more often than not led Y/N to a bandaged arm or a broken leg or a concussion.

But this time, this time she knew she this gift was a blessing.

And she was going to use every precious second of it not letting the tiniest moments go to waste. As a matter of fact, she got started on it last night when she found herself incredibly emotional seeing her father again. To him, it had only been a few hours since he left for work, but to Y/N...

Oh to Y/N...

To Y/N, it felt like a lifetime. It felt like the impossible had happened and life had been restored to the dead. In a way, seeing Nayeon and getting a glimpse of Jennie earlier had proven that already.

But her father's death in a timeline of great disaster had been the freshest wound. So, during her first night in this timeline, Y/N let herself complement his cooking for dinner, asked if he wanted coffee while grading essays for his class, all while her father curiously watched and tried to figure out what she wanted.

Truth is, Y/N wanted nothing else, just keep all of them safe.

And maybe that was the reason why she found herself storming into the locker room of the boy's ice hockey team for their school the next afternoon instead of doing anything else.

Y/N remembered that morning quite vividly after all.

One of her first classes of the day had been with Wendy. Music class.

And it just so happened to be the class she shared with Jennie.

It also happened to be yet another period she gets to spend with all her so-called friends.

Y/N had been keeping her eyes on the door the entire time, getting to class especially early to keep an eye out on Jennie. She really didn't have much of a chance to approach her the other day, not that she had any ideas what to come and say to her.

Y/N only knew three things then. One, she needed to save Jennie, the first of the victims. Two, to do that, she needed to at least befriend her, make sure she wasn't alone or with people of questionable intensions. Three, Jennie's been pushing people away more and more since her father's death about eight months ago - more or less, Y/N was a bit fuzzy on the exact length of time.

"What's Y/N's doing?" She had heard Jeongyeon whisper to Jisoo and in turn Jisoo simply grinned.

She could hear her friends talk among themselves in hushed tones, Y/N not really paying them much attention then, as Y/N shifted her attention back forth between the clock in the room and the doorway. Wendy had already entered trying to get all her students' attention when Jennie walked in.

They both sat at the back row with Jennie sitting on a row in front of her to her right. She was wearing the red coat she was wearing in Y/N's last memory of her before her original disappearance and a woven wool dress underneath with a hem just above her knees. Y/N kept her eyes on her, lost in thought.

Because of course it was that moment when Y/N had remembered the fourth thing she knew without a shadow of a doubt years ago in her original timeline.

That she liked Jennie.

Totally had a massive crush on her that she mostly kept to herself. High school was hell back then, it could have been worse if her little crush had gotten out as public knowledge.

Not that it didn't end up worse than hell the first time with what happened. Y/N had then thought as she convinced herself to fight the building butterflies and knots in her stomach just at the sight of Jennie, to fight the rambling mess of her thoughts in her head on what to say, and just go and get to know her.

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