The Day Of

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I wake to find that the hand on my forearm wasn't Daniel's, but instead Pierre's. He mumbled an apology before reminding me of the days commitments and what tomorrow entails.
Tomorrow I replace my dead mother as Queen of Ohio. Today I must finish any princess duties and attend a final fitting for my coronation gown. Today I must also have tea with the dutchess of Pennsylvania, and brunch with the lady of Indiana. Also, I must try to reconcile things with the family of Michigan. So many things to do before I can be with my love again.
Once again I find my self situated in front of my armoire. Too many dresses to pick from. Finally, I decide on one the same shade as Daniel's shirt. I slide it over my head just in time to receive the lone piece of toast Pierre had made for me before I go to tea.
The dutchess of Pennsylvania is waiting for me at the long table covered in finger foods.
I bow, "Good day, dutchess," I say before I sit.
"There will be none of that Quinn. Tomorrow you are queen and you won't bow for anyone. Get used to it now."
Charlotte has been one of my best royal friends for years, but because she lives in Pennsylvania we hardly get to see one another.
I pile my plate with food not worrying about what Charlotte thinks,ahs glancing over to find her doing the same thing. "If I eat all this, I'll never have room for lunch with the Lady of Indiana," I manage to get out between bites of cucumber sandwich.
"Oh, Quinn. I know you better than that. You'll fill up here, but the moment you see lunch you'll be starving!"
I knew she was right,

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