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After saying good bye to Charlotte, Pierre escorts me to the dining hall so I can have brunch with the Lady of Indiana. When we turn the corner to enter the dining hall, I see yet another table filled with delicious food. I see lobster tails, salad, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, rolls, and many more delectable items. Char was right, I'm fammished!
I decide it would be best if I wait for Kayla, the Lady of Indiana. Just as I prepare to sit myself down as far away from the lobster and shrimp as I can I hear a gasp. I turn to see Kayla admiring the feast that is before her.
"Quinn, must I bow? I don't know if I can wait to taste this delicious food!"
"I was thinking the same thing! Let's dig in!!"
We each choose a side of the table and work our way down, my plate become heavy and I must go set it down at the table and grab another. I see Kayla do the same. Once we have gathered more food that we thought imaginable, we dug right in. The dining hall was silent except for the scrapes of forks against the plates. We finished all of our food. I looked at her, "Kayla, I'm sorry about this. I'm in a food coma and I need a nap!"
"That's okay, Quinn. Me too!" We managed to give each other a hug even though our fully bellies protested.
I called Pierre in and told him I was going to take a quick nap, and that if Kayla wanted to, to show her to one of the guest rooms.
I walked the short trip to my quarters and fell on my bed in the beautiful gray dress. I didn't even have time to pull on the mask before I was sound asleep.

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