Part 2 - Small Spill -

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As you rushed down the stairs the wind slowing through your hair. As you run to get to your train you looked down to your phone to notice a notification from your boss. As you looked up you noticed that your train has left you sighed and decided to use this time to get some coffee from the closest coffee shop. Which was Costa since it was connected with the train station.

You walked in the nice sweet smell of all the different types of coffees they sold hit your nose as you walked to the counter to order your coffee. You waited paciently as you paid and toon your coffee and noticed it took a little longer than intended meaning your tain was already arriving. You quickly took a sip of your burning hot coffee as you ran your small legs racing until you accidently bumped into a tall man in a suit spilling the coffee that was infrount of you onto the both of you but mostly him. You were met with Russian cussing coming from the tall man as he turned around you looked up to meet his burning gaze you noticed that he had heterochromia. His right eye was blue and his left eye was green. None of you exchanged any words until you got the courage to speak.

" sorry sit I didn't notice you I was just trying to make it onto my train..."

The both of you turned around to notice the train leaving and you let out a tired sigh. Not only did you spill the coffee on a tall man but you also now missed your train. The man looked down at you and answered in a deep Russian accent

"you should watch out where you walk with thoes little legs of yours Маленькая женщина..."
[little woman]

His voice sounded like he has smoked thousands of packets of cigarettes. Along with that Russian accent and...was that Русский Лес* cologne? have seen it in shops before for a lot of money. You decided to stay quiet and not talk back you didn't want to start an argument and you were already going to be even more late.

"yes sir I'm sorry I didn't notice you there I'll be more careful next time..."

The russian man was about to say something but reached for his pocket to pull out a lighter and cigarette... Of course he smokes that why he sounded like that. You decided to throw away the coffee cup and head to the bathroom to clean your clothes off before the next train arrives. You go into a stall and get some tissues as you start to try and wash off the coffee stained white shirt. You cuss under your breath and left the bathroom as you headed to wait for your next train.

As the train arrived you got on taking a seat in one of the cariagers and took out your sketch to finish it off while you drove to your work place. You opened up to see the message your boss sent.

Boss: 'the customers said they might be late aswell so there is no excuse for you to be late do we understand?...'

She felt releaved but a little suprsied.

Wow their also late I wonder what happened I always through that rich people were specifically on time..

*Русский Лес Cologne:

~~~~~~~~*Русский Лес Cologne:

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