Part 3 - Similar Face? -

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Soon you finished up the drawing and noticed you were close to your stop. You stuffed the drawing into your bag and decided to eat one of the delicious sandwiches as you watched the view outside of the cariagers window. Passing the beautiful green trees until your drove into the city and it was all replaced with buildings and companies. Along with the dark smoke and the weather turning darker. You took out your phone to look at the time 11:40. Soon it came to your stop and you grabed your things and left the cariager. immediately as you stepped out into the city the cold air hit your face you decided to put on your hood holding it down to keep your fave covered as you walked to your work place.

As you entered your work place the hot and warmth of the room hugged your body from all the cold. You took off your jacket and put your bag down and went to your office to put your things there. You then decided to ask your friend which was the receptionist where your boss was so he would be aware that your already here.

Receptionist: 'oh I think he was on the phone with someone in his office you can go take a look apparently today is a very important day according to him. The customer wants a base of some sort I wonder who it could be'

'oh I bet it's just another customer he's just not used to talking about the plans like I'm usually told to do he always only goes on meetings while I always have to do the talking and drawing job'

Receptionist: 'well if you say do y/n but just remember that the boss is really and I mean really strict about this one.... For some reason...'

'Mhm got it thanks'

You then started to head to your bosses office wondering why he was so strict about this customer so you were a little eager to find out who it was. As you stood infrount of his office you heard him on the phone talking to someone it sounded like the usual buisness talk and marketing. You knocked on the door and waited after about 7 minutes when your boss was finished he opened the door and looked down at you.

Boss: 'finally where gave you been? Your lucky that the customer is also going to be lat-....why is your suit think this is some sort of joke!? Go get changed and ask Maria for another dress or suit..."

'..yes sir I understand sorry...'

You then headed over to Maria she was one of the people that always helped you in shitty situations and now she would most likley do the same as you headed around the area to look for her you spotted her talking with another member of staff you went over to her and asked her.

'hey Maria on the way here I kinda got my clothes dirty do you think you would be able to find something for me...also it needs to be pretty clean since there's and important meeting today if that's alright with you?...'

'ahh of course y/n late again are we?...dont worry darling I got everything you would need let's head to my changing rooms and I'm sure I'll find something your size'

'wow thank a lot Maria you don't know how much times you have saved my ass I'm forever in your depth'

'oh don't worry about it let's go get you something now you need to change out of these dirty coffee clothes'

You followed after Maria and she went through some clothes finding a dress and suit for you:

You followed after Maria and she went through some clothes finding a dress and suit for you:

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(you can pick which one you wear)

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(you can pick which one you wear)

'i think take the suit/dress'

'alright my dear but just to let you know you look magnificent with both'

'awww thanks a lot Maria'

You then went to get changed into your chosen suit/dress. You came out and felt better now that you didn't have a coffee stain on youself that covered most of your torso. You thanked Maria and went back to your boss who then told you the important customer will be here within the next hour. You decided to prepare youself within that time to make sure the scetches where acceptable and good you even started a fourth sketch to kill the time.

1 hour later

Exactly one hour later not even one minute late your could hear the door opening and a sound of a man walking in you could then hear the receptionist talking to him but she sounded a bit she was scared of him or nervous?..

You then heard your boss walk into your office and said

Boss:'ill go talk with the gentleman and once I have his interest I'll bering him to you so rember to behave and no silly jokes!'

'yes sir I understand'

Once your boss left your office you continued to do your forth sketch. You heard him talking to the man downstairs and offer him some coffee or tea. Meanwhile you decided to continue your fourth sketch and stayed pretty relaxed since you were used to normal and sometimes rude customers. After about 30 minutes you heard your boss call your name you took your sketches and a deep breath before leaving your office and going to you boss who was standing with the customer. As you walked in and went to greet the customer you noticed....

....That was the man that you accidently pilled the coffee on when you ran to the train station.....

~Vladimir Makarov X fem! reader~Where stories live. Discover now