26 chapter

601 29 13

Let's start 😚😘 ........................

Babe............. What he was saying ? Did he did something ?

Way............................. Babe can you breath .... And please if you don't know the situation than don't comment .... And also he's a nice person ......

Babe............. Nice ?? Way looking at him it's feel like he's a psychopath or something like that ....

Way.............................. Enough babe ....

Babe............. Oi seriously you never noticed his eyes right .... If you did than you going to know that i'm right .
Well what's this ?

Way................................ Vegetable soup ..

Babe.............. Wait where is the soup which i bring ? ( When he didn't saw the soup bowl from which he was feeding way )  What the fuck ...... How dare he to do this .... Way what's this ?

Way................................ Babe you have put spices in soup which was not good for my stomach injury so that's why he did this ......

Babe............. Okay I understand that but who told him to throw it in dustbin .......

Yes before going Pete throw the soup which babe bring in dustbin ......

Way.............................. Sorry actually ..... I told him if it's not good than ...... I'm sorry .....

Babe........... Don't try to save him way .. well leave him he just spoil my mood .
Way you should rest ......

Way.............................. Babe I'm fine you can go back now Charlie will be worried ..........

Babe........... He will not .... I told him that i'm coming here so relax And just rest ......

On other .........

Charlie come to garage and when Jeff saw him he went to him .......

Jeff.......... Phi Alan told me that babe went hospital to stay ....

Charlie............. I know ....

Jeff.......... You okay with it ?

Charlie............. Jeff now I have decide if babe wants to go than I'm not going to stop ... And looking at him I think it's going to happen ......

Jeff........... I don't think ... Phi p'way have a boyfriend so why will he leave his boyfriend for babe ......

Charlie.............. But he had loved babe for along time ....

Jeff............ But he had forget him ......

Charlie.............. Jeff if we love someone for along time than we can never forget that person by anyhow ....... And if it's happen then it's not going to be way's fault ........

Jeff.............. Phi don't get wrong ideas .. everything will be fine for sure ........

Charlie................. Umm ....

In Pete's office ...........

Pete............................... How long you going to take to find a single person nop ??

Nop.......... Sir everyone is behind him soon we will get him ....

Pete................................ It will be better if that soon come soon .....

Nop.......... Khab .....

Pete is finding that person who order to kidnap way yes 1 and 3 told everything ..........

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