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In a world brimming with magic and wonder, where ethereal beings coexisted with mechanical creations and mortal beings, there existed two distinct realms - The Radiant Empire and the Celestial Court, each governed by its own laws and hierarchy of beings.

The Radiant Empire was a realm of eternal sunshine, where angels, nymphs, fairies, sirens, and giants thrived in harmony with the natural world. Their ethereal beauty captivated all who gazed upon them, their powers revered and cherished by mortals who looked to them for guidance and protection.

On the other end of the spectrum lay the Celestial Court, a realm shrouded in darkness and mystery, inhabited by witches and demons who harnessed the power of shadows and chaos. Their magic was as potent as it was dangerous, feared and respected by all who dared to venture into their realm.

For centuries, the beings of the Radiant Empire and the Celestial Court had maintained an uneasy truce, respecting the boundaries that separated their worlds and avoiding conflict wherever possible.
But all that changed when the Oasis emerged from the depths of the earth, a murderous group of humans fueled by greed and destruction.

The Oasis swept through the realms like a dark shadow, devouring everything in its path and capturing the inhabitants of both the Radiant Empire and the Celestial Court.

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