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Sirius watched with a grimace as Remus changed, his body shifting unnaturally with every bone breaking in his body. James stands at his side with his arms crossed over his chest.

The three animagus have yet to change, waiting for the right time in Remus's transition.

Suddenly a deep howl breaks through the silence, making their heads snap up. Sirius's eyes widen. "Oh shit." James breathes, catching Sirius's attention. Sirius turns back to Remus and he notices his muscles relaxing. "I think we need to change now, he's almost done." Peter says 

Sirius and James lock eyes before sliding them shut and changing into their other forms.


Kai's large and lanky form breaks through the trees, claws digging into the dirt ground as a fox follows after him, winding in and out of his feet. Kayden lets out a chirp. Kai playfully nips at her hind legs before speeding up.


The next day.

Kai groans as he pushes himself up from the forest grounds, his body screaming at him. Suddenly a bare foot comes into view, making his head snap up. Black eyes blink open and peer down at him, before widening.

Kai curses and scrambles to cover himself, even though those eyes have seen his modesty before. Sirius rushes to do the same, cursing a storm under his breath. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Kai hisses

Kai struggles to remember last night's events, but everything comes up blank, which frightens him. "What the hell do you mean!? Last night you practically hunted me down and wouldn't let me leave. You definitely pissed off Remus." Sirius groans

Kai's eyebrows furrow, only for a sharp stab to radiate down his hip, causing him to hiss. Sirius's eyes snap down to his hip and his eyes widen. "Shit!" Sirius curses, scrambling to his side. Kai looks down and sees a deep gash down his hip and leg. 

Kai curses under his breath as he looks for something to stop the bleeding. "Get me something to stop the bleeding, and maybe something for my modesty and yours." Kai groans

Sirius sends him a look. "Where the fuck am I going to get any of that!? We're in the middle of the fucking woods!" Sirius exclaims

Kai rolls his eyes. "Fuck if I weren't in a lot of pain I would be so turned on by that!" Kai groans, his head tipping back. Sirius fits back a blush as he stands. "I'll be right back." Sirius says 


Kai lay still on the forest floor for what feels like hours, before he hears a crunch of leaves, announcing Sirius's return, making his head snap up.

Sirius rushes to his side, fully clothed, and begins putting on a tourniquet along his leg. "How do you know how to do that?" Kai asks

Sirius looks up to meet his eyes. "Your brother." Sirius says 

Kai stays silent, even as Sirius removes his gaze. Kai watches as Sirius focuses on stopping the bleeding, his gaze never straying up. 

Once done, Sirius presses a pair of slacks to his chest. Kai quickly grabs them before they can slip to the ground. With a grunt he slips them on, ignoring the stinging pain. 

Finally covered, Kai sighs in relief. "Don't relax just yet, we have to get you to the infirmary." Sirius says 

Kai glares up at him, but says nothing, letting the younger teen help him to his feet. Sirius places Kai's arm over his shoulder and steadies him by wrapping his arm around his waist. Kai grits his teeth as they walk forward. "I'm so beating Remus's ass." Kai grumbles

Sirius chuckles, shaking his head. "You started it, acting like a territorial jerk." Sirius says

Sirius remembered last night vividly. Sirius and James were chasing Remus through the woods when Kai came barreling in, slamming into Sirius's side, sniffing him aggressively. Sirius felt himself go lax with fear, but then Kai grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, growling at Remus when he appeared through the clearing.

No one knew what to do, especially when Remus lunged forward. Sirius was stuck in Kai's arms, unable to move or getaway. Remus had then clamped his teeth on Kai's leg, making him howl in pain, that's until a fox came barreling in and attacking Remus.

The rest of that night was a blur, ending with Kai curled around him and licking his fur, cleaning any blood that may have ended up on him.

"That's certainly a first. Fuck. I'm sorry, I don't typically lose control like that." Kai says

Sirius stops in his tracks, meeting Kai's gaze and offering him a small smile. "It was cute. I mean I was terrified, I thought you would eat me, but you didn't, which I appreciate." Sirius teases, watching with a grin as Kai flushes.

"You're a jerk." Kai groans

Sirius only offers him a small hum, gently tugging him forward. "Come on, I don't need you bleeding out on me." Sirius says

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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