Lost Mothers

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Song: I Bet On Losing Dogs, Mitski

"2 days ago, a 12 year old Mexican boy named Gregory Martins was reported missing after he disappeared from the funeral of an 11 year old boy named Evan Afton.

The boy has been known amongst his neighbours for pulling pranks and causing chaos, but not once has faked something as dear as this. His mother, Kellie Martins, notes that he always wandered off on his own but never without telling somebody first or knowing that someone knew.

If you see him, please report it to the authorities IMMEDIATELY. He has brown hair with a blonde fringe and hazel-orange eyes and tends to have a square plaster on his cheek. He was last seen wearing a collared button-up t-shirt with black slacks and dress shoes and basic funeral attire. I will say it again, please report it to the authorities IMMEDIATELY if you see him or know the location of the boy. Now, onto the weather -"

The newsman says, as Kellie stares at the television in misery. Her mascara is smudged on her cheeks, clear she's been crying. Mrs Afton sits beside her, her arm wrapped around Kellie in a comforting way.

"I'm sure they'll find them soon, Kim. Nothing lasts forever." Mrs Afton murmurs, looking at the TV also.

Kellie shakes her head, letting out a small weep. "What if they never find him, Clara? Or worse - what if they find him dead??"

Kellie sobs at the mere thought, putting her head in her hands. Clara sighs.

"If.. If you lose him, just know that you were the best foster mum ever for that boy, and - and if you do lose him, I'll get through it with you." Clara whispers softly, tearing up a bit herself.

A small weep comes from Kellie, and she nods. "Alright, thank you.. Thank you so much."

The two share a hug, as William sits on the other couch in the room, pondering. He stares at the TV. He saw who was with Gregory but couldn't remember their face nor name. Fuck.

"Who's that one ginger girl?" William suddenly asks, gaining the attention of Kellie and Clara.

"Elizabeth?" Clara queries, raising an eyebrow.

William shakes his head. "No, no, no, no. That girl that's ginger and always has her hair in twin tails?"

Kellie and Clara share a glance. "Uhmm..." Kellie hums in thought.

"Oh! The girl that Elizabeth hangs out with?" Clara suggests.

William nods. "Yes! That one. What was her name, though? Wasn't it Cassidy or something..?"

"Cassidy is the blonde boy," Kellie corrects, getting an eyebrow raise from William.

"...a boy called Cassidy? Hm. But anyways, who's that other girl?"

Clara stands up. "I'll check the phone book, I probably have her parent's numbers written down as well as her name."

Kellie and William nod as Clara wanders over to a drawer and retrieves a phone book from it. She flips through.

"Susie.. Emily.. Sorcha.. Lily.. Keava.. Oh! Cindy." Clara says, quite proud that she figured that out.

William smiles, "Thank you, dear."

Clara nods, "You're welcome. But what did you need the name for, anyway?"

William sighs, shaking his head. "I saw a girl with ginger twintails at the funeral. She was with Gregory, and that was the last I saw of him there. I think they were going somewhere, or Cindy was leading him along to some place."

Kellie's eyes bright up. This information is extremely helpful. "What street were they walking in??"

"Hm.." William looks up in thought before answering. "Caterham Street, I think."

"Gregory always went there. He went there for the woods.." Kellie stops speaking.

"The woods. He could be in the woods."

Clara and William share a worried glance.

"Kim, he's been missing for 2 days. If he was in the woods, he'd be home by now.."

Kellie shakes her head no, "My boy might've been one hell of a smart navigator, but even he gets lost sometimes. I have to check. Please, Clara."

"..." Clara thinks. She thinks HARD. "I suppose one check couldn't hurt. It's better to be safe than sorry."

Kellie smiles weakly, standing up to hug Clara. "Thank you so so so so much."

Clara smiles with a nod as William heads over to the staircase. "MICHAEL, ELIZABETH?"




The sounds of footsteps can be heard from upstairs. Dark heavy ones, Michael's, and light medium ones, Elizabeth. The duo rushed downstairs, looking at William expectantly.

"I need you to go check the woods. Michael, you do NOT split with Elizabeth under ANY circumstance."

Michael and Elizabeth look at William in confusion.

"Why do you need us to check the woods? What for -" Michael questions, a tad bit concerned.

"Gregory went missing a few days ago, and he could be there."

Elizabeth looks concerned now. "Gregory's MISSING?? But I saw him at the funeral!"

"Yes, Lizabeth, but he went missing afterwards." Clara explains, getting a frown from Liz.

"Please, do it for Kellie." William pleads.

Michael sighs. "Fine. Elizabeth, get changed into something suitable for the woods."

Elizabeth pouts. She likes the dress she's wearing.. But she doesn't argue and goes to her room to change. Michael sighs, staring off into the distance.

"Fucking christ." Michael murmurs.

"Language, Michael." Clara says firmly, gaining yet another sigh from Michael.

"Sorry, mum. It's just.. why is the town so bad recently? First, it was Evan, and now Gregory, who's probably dead, too.."

William sighs. "Oh come on Michael, don't say that in front of Kellie!"

Kellie shakes her head. "It's fine. I get where he's coming from. Ultimately, I agree. Gregory is probably.. gone."

Clara ponders but looks back at Michael. ".. Just be home by sundown. Please."

Clara doesn't want Michael and Elizabeth to get lost as well. She can't bear losing another child. It'd be too painful. Clara loves her children too much for that..

Michael nods, glancing up the stairs. "Should I bring my friends? The more people looking, the easier it'll be. And I'm not using this as an excuse to hang out with them."

William and Clara glance at each other. "Fine. As long as you try." William sighs.

Kellie smiles, wiping her tears away. "Thank you so much."

A small nod is given back from Michael as a response, as Elizabeth comes back downstairs, in a pink t-shirt, and blue short dungarees.

"Elizabeth, is there anyone in your friend group good at finding things?" Clara raises an eyebrow, seemingly thinking of Michael's idea.

"Well," Elizabeth begins, looking in thought. "There's Meldrick, Fritz, Cassidy.. Everyone else is pretty bad at finding things."

William nods. "Call them and tell them to come.

"Okay!" Elizabeth smiles brightly, hopping over to the landline as she flicks through the phone book and dials their numbers.

".. What a mess.." Kellie whispers to herself, head in her hands as she slowly begins to weep again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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