Chapter 25 : Daddy issues ♡

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Edward's POV;

I stir on the bed when I realize that sun has risen. I check the time and its already 6:00 in the morning.

I immediately pull myself from the bed to shower.

I come out and get ready. I look myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. 'It's going to be a long day' I muttered in my mind.

I come out of my room in hurry and see my mom and Manjari. I freeze at my spot, seeing Manjari.

She is serving my mom. She is really my lucky charm. I see her,she was eyeing me. She doesn't say anything but I know She wants to. I know that she's dying inside. I know that she needs me.

Even though she's facing the pain internally, she is putting an effort to help my mom.

I look down in guilt. I couldn't save Stefan and that is why she is in pain.

I smile slightly at her. And glance at mom. My mom smiles at me and nods her head.

I go outside and make my way to the car. I insert the car keys and drive.

I reach my father's house. And I see group of troops standing on the porch. And I see my father coming out of the door.

"Is everything ready?" He asks one of the troop memebers.

"Yes sire!!!" One of the member says.

"We have to be prepared and you all know what to do!!" My father orders.

"Yes sire!" The group replies in unison.

I come forward and examine the group. But then I hear my father's voice, "Edward!!! Come on we all were waiting for you" he says and every memeber from the group turns their attention to me.

I get self concious when everyone states at me. I smile nervously. I see my father gesturing me to come over.

I rub my hands on my pants and go forward. When I stand beside him. He grabs my shoulders and make me face the group.

He smiles as if he has won a lottery! He opens his mouth and says "So my dear Officers, here comes my son Mr. Edward Fletcher thomas. He will be the head of our team"

I whip my head and look at my father in shock. What!?? What's happening??

"Edward, planned something!" My father says.

"What plan father??" I ask him.

He smiles slightly and say "These Indians have been the biggest trouble in our hardwork and tomorrow that problem is gonna be vanished in seconds"
He says it with a devilish smirk.

By seeing his smirk i know its gonna be dangerous and its not gonna be safe. I feel myself growing nervous. I can feel the sweat on my forehead. I open my mouth and hesitate but ask him anyway "Father what are you going to do??"

My father looks at me with an amused face and then says "Oh nothing to worry son.. just burning their houses that's it!!"

That's it!???? Is he a human? I'm really ashamed of him!!! How can he kill the innocent just to conquer the place?

He then turns towards me and says "And you are going to lead the plan!! Understood?"

Whats wrong with him?? Why is he leading me into this??? I know that he knows i dont like these. This is not his plan its something else. His hiding something.

"What?? Father how can..I.?" I ask stammering.

"You can son!! Your a grown up now you need to learn to take responsibilities" he says very confidently.

I look at the group in defeat and nod my head.

"Ahhh!! So All the best everyone!! Everyone can go now" he says with a wide smile

Everyone moves from the porch leaving us both alone.

My father turns towards me and examines me. I don't look at him and avert my gaze. He then does something unexpected.

My father hugs me tightly and says "Thankyou my son!!"

I get shocked and the guilt build ups in me as I was betraying him.

I feel him moving towards my ear. I can feel his breath. "Don't forget son, your girl is also going to be involved tomorrow" he whispers coldly.

I shiver listening to him. It sounds more like a threat to me.
I clenched my jaw in rage and hold my hands into a fist.

I need to control my rage!! No!! I can't let father know the reason I'm here!!

He pulls himself off of me and examines me. But I just give him a blank expression.

He then smiles and says "U don't care about that girl anymore??"

I just nod my head and he laughs with humour.

He looks at me and says "I knew she was just for your use Ed"

How dare he!!!! I love her!!! What kind of father is he?? How can he say these things bout a woman!?! I really don't like talking to him but no! I need to play along.

I avert my gaze and say "Yes, she was!" with a cold voice.

He looks at me astonished and stunned. He puts one hand on my shoulder and ask, "Is it you? Ed?"

"Yes father, it's me! I realized she was nothing but a toy for me to play! And above all she is an Indian! So no o don't care about her anymore" I say with determined look on my face but I felt my heart shattering into pieces while saying these things. I felt worser than ever.

'I'm sorry Manjari' I mutter in my brain. Every single word I said right now is false. I love her with all my heart. No power, religion or nationality can make my love die for her. My life changed from the day I met her. I learned to laugh, I learned to console and above everything I learned to LOVE....

The most selfish thing I have ever done in my life is love HER...

She's my life! She's all I need! And she's My home!....


Hello loves ❤️

Hw r y'all???

Here comes chapter 25!! Not that interesting but yeah this chapter shows Ed's love for Manjari!!

Is tomorrow going to be a disaster?? What will Edward do?? Will he save her or the people?? What's his father hiding though???

Read to know!!!!

Thankyou for reading 📚

Pls do vote comment and follow me!!

Stay tuned for next chapters!


See ya!>

*1082 words*


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