── shop incident

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The school bell rang and everyone at school went their own directions on the way home or to a club. Janzen, the hall monitor, was slightly later than everyone else because of his duty of also cleaning the halls ( well, he doesn't need to clean the halls but he chooses to anyway ) Eventually, he finished cleaning and was walking out of the school. "Jannie!" Janzen looked up and saw Miles smiling. He continued, "Wasn't expecting to see you here Jannie..." Janzen immediately saw through his lie since he must've had to wait at least 20 minutes for Janzen to finish cleaning. "Oh, hey Miles.. hey, since you waited for me, do you want to walk together? I mean.. I would've gone with Elijah as well but he has a club.." Miles looked slightly agitated by the name "Elijah" but he replied, "Hah.. waited for you? What gives you that idea? I just happened to be out here.. aw Jannie your jokes are so funny!" As Miles said this he put his arm around Janzen's neck. Janzen kind of stared at him the whole time but shrugged him off. He had more stuff to worry about than Miles' shenanigans.

The two of them began to walk out of the school together. However, it started raining and Janzen began to pull out his umbrella. "Man, it's pissing it down." Miles then began to burst out into laughter hearing Janzen say this. "You.. You said-" Miles could barely get any words out. "What's wrong with what I said?" Janzen had already gotten his umbrella out and unfolded. He began to hold it over Miles, who was still laughing hysterically. "Nono.. It's okay.. It's nothing.." Miles eventually calmed down but just the thought of Janzen saying "pissing" made him want to giggle all over again.

"Hey Jannie."


"Can we go to the shops?"

"Sure, I guess.. Do you have your wallet?"

"Uhm... yes.. we are definitely going to get things!"

"Okay, It's just I spent all my money on some investments which aren't relevant right now."

"Oh, uh, okay.."

After this small interaction, Miles and Janzen began to walk the way to the local convenience store, both underneath Janzen's umbrella. The rain didn't seem to ease up so Miles and Janzen were relieved to make it in the shop. Miles essentially ran into the shop whilst Janzen was still drying his umbrella. Janzen then followed Miles into one of the aisles. "So, Miles, what were you looking for?" "Just a bag of chips.. or something.." Janzen stared at Miles, slightly confused at his change in tone. "You're planning something aren't you?" "No! What gives you that idea Jannie..?" Janzen sighs before giving Miles another chance. "Okay fine, you aren't planning anything." He began to walk off until Miles stopped him. "Wait.. Jannie.. stop. Fine, you got me, I was planning something but it's not that bad okay? Just hear me out." Janzen turned around and looked at Miles until he sighed with reluctance and Miles led him to the corner of the store, furthest away from the cashier. "Okay, Jannie, I know this sounds horrible, but I was planning on stealing from the shop." "WHAT!!" Janzen exclaimed, so shocked that Miles would think to resort to stealing, especially from a small shop like this one. "No- Jannie shh.. it will be fine okay? It's a big company, they have money to spare. And what I need you to do is help me steal. I have this bag of chips and a lollipop. I want you to take this lollipop and walk out of the store with it. Simple as that." Miles explained this whole thing to Janzen as quietly as possible, but Janzen still seemed bothered. "No, I'm sorry but I can't.. and Miles. This is a small convenience store... not a huge supermarket chain.." "Yeah, yeah whatever, just imagine it's a supermarket then okay? I'm counting on you Jannie!" Miles then began to walk off, to the crisps aisle. Janzen tried to call Miles back but no words came out; he began to think about his options here. Well, he can't steal, the store would lose money and then eventually the economic state of the world will collapse. But, he didn't want Miles to think he was a loser or too scared. Maybe this is just what he needs, and it would be an opportunity to impress Miles. Janzen sighed again but then started signaling to Miles that he was gonna do it. Miles looked over at Janzen and noticed him holding a thumbs-up. He then held up a thumbs-up back. Janzen walked up to near the front of the store and grabbed two lollipops. One strawberry, one cola. He then walked up to Miles and held them up to him. "Miles.. I still don't know if this is a good idea.." "Nono! Jannie it's okay I promise.. you just have to hide the items in your pocket or something. You have a bunch of pockets in your blazer right?" Janzen looked down at his blazer that he was wearing. It was slightly tattered but he found a hidden pocket which he hid the lollipops in. "Okay, since its a bag of chips it will be more difficult to take, so just leave this one to Miles-Man." As Miles said that, he pointed at himself and smiled proudly. Janzen just gave him an unamused look.

Eventually, Miles and Janzen were ready to leave the shop. The rain had stopped whilst they were in the shop so an umbrella wasn't needed. Janzen's breathing was slightly faster since he was really nervous; he had never tried something like this before. Miles put his hand around Janzen again as they walked out of the shop. The moment they made it out the shop, Miles began running. "Come on Jannie!! Run! Run! Run!" "HUH??" Janzen was so startled by Miles running he almost fell over. However, following Miles' lead, he began to run too. Miles started to pace himself to match Janzen's speed. "Okay, just around the corner, then we successfully finished the heist!" Janzen kept running, not looking at Miles who was to his side or behind him, in fear the cashier was after them. They then made it around the corner and Miles was out of breath. "Miles.. Why are you so out of breath? That wasn't that huge of a run.." Janzen then pulled out the lollipops from his pocket. He unraveled the wrapper off the strawberry one and put it in Miles' mouth. "The strawberry one reminds me of you, so I stole a second one." Janzen smiles innocently whilst Miles begins to blush. "Oh, Miles, what is wrong? Are you dehydrated? You are still so red.." Saying this, Miles blushes even more, becoming even more red-faced then he already was after running. "No.. I'm just still tired out..." He put his hand out to grab the lollipop. "I appreciate the lollipop Jannie, thank you.." Janzen was still smiling whilst unwrapping his lollipop. They continued up the street until they both tried to break the silence at the same time. "You were saying Jannie?" "Nono.. you can say your thing!" They giggle to themselves but none of them say anything. After another silence Miles spoke. "Jannie, you know, I really wasn't expecting you to steal.. I thought you would just refuse, well, you kind of did but you get what I mean! It means a lot that you would do something like that because I asked you too.." Janzen looked up at Miles and smiled again. "Nah.. it's nothing. I guess stealing would set me straight. Always listening to what adults have to tell me does get old sometimes. Transgressing against the rules might just be what I needed." Miles stared in awe at Janzen's speech. Why so many huge words?? But Janzen then continued. "And, I don't mind stealing if it means that we get to have moments like these!!" Miles then began to blush again. "W-What happened? Did you catch a cold in the rain?"

After the both of them got home, Miles began to read his books. They weren't educational though, but they were entertaining. More pictures than words.. At the same time, Janzen was getting ready for bed. However, as he was laying in his bed, he couldn't help but roll around with guilt. That shop must've lost so much business... He thought about what he said to Miles. Trying to justify a crime by impressing one of your closest friends is not okay! Janzen eventually got to bed, even with these thoughts in his subconscious.

Miles got to school before everyone else, expecting to see Janzen in the halls or the library or wherever that guy would be. To his surprise, Janzen did not show. He was confused but assumed that maybe he had some unfinished business elsewhere. He sat down at his table and laid his head on the desk. "Woah, what's wrong with you?" It was Temprist. "Oh.. Hey Temp.. I haven't seen Jannie all morning.. I'm just kind of bummed about it." Another voice chimed in. "Hall monitor? Oh, I saw him outside that convenience shop. He was waiting for it to open. He said he was gonna make a statement about what you and him did there. But he said he wouldn't mention your name." It was Kaden, but he said it with a smile on his face. "Did you guys do anything interesting that I might want to know about?" Miles stared into space after realizing what Janzen was about to do. "I guess he really couldn't handle breaking the law..." "What??" 

°。 1612 words ! man i love mileszen

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