── sleepover incident

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The school bell rang out, and everyone in their classes immediately got up to leave. Janzen was still packing up his things before he heard his name being called from outside the classroom. "Jannie!!" The voice yelled. He turned his head and saw Miles there, waving energetically. Janzen sighed before smiling because, for what felt like all day, Miles was so fed up with his lessons, but since it was the end of the day, he felt significantly happier. Before Janzen could put away his last textbook, Miles walked up to him and put his hand on the book. "Do you wanna walk home together? Jannie? Please?" Janzen blinked at him a couple times before responding, "Oh.. sure.. Of course we can! I just assumed we were since you were waiting for me anyways.. I'm not sure about Elijah... but I guess he'll find his own way home right?" Miles' eyes lit up and he seemed even more overjoyed. No Elijah AND it's Friday? He really won! Before long, Janzen grabbed Miles' hand and moved it off of his book. Miles didn't realize this at first until he saw Janzen putting away his textbook. He lifted up his hand to look at before getting a little flustered. "Are you ready to leave?" Janzen asked, tilting his head slightly, now standing up. "OH RIGHT- Yes! Yes I am ready to walk you home I MEAN walk with you home!" Janzen laughed at Miles' way of speaking before gesturing to walk. Miles immediately followed, with the both of them walking next to each other. The moment the two of them left, a loud noise could be heard. It was the teacher, Pinkleaf, who had been waiting for these two to leave for the past 3 minutes. "Finally.. they left. My god they took so long... It's Friday! Just go! Just leave my class!" He did a motion as if to bash his head against his desk before finally closing the classroom. 

The two of them made it to the outside of the school. It was raining again, but Janzen forgot his umbrella. "Ugh.. does it have to rain this horribly all the time.." Miles then grinned and opened his bag to reveal an umbrella. "Tada! Ever since that day you shared your umbrella with me, I bought my own, and I tried to match yours best I could because I thought it looked nice.. I guess?" Janzen was looking over and Miles as he attempted to unfold it. The umbrella Janzen had owned was a black, plain umbrella with a wooden hook-shaped handle. The one Miles had was black but the handle differed in shape. "Aw shit.. I can't unfold this.. Jannie can you help??" Janzen looked slightly stunned before walking over. "Now now.. we don't need to use profanity to express our strong emotions do we?" He grabbed the umbrella out of Miles' hand and unfolded it with one swift motion. "Wow... how'd you do that Jannie that's so cool!!" Janzen handed the umbrella to Miles' before moving slightly closer to him. "I would teach you how to unfold them... but you know.. the rain might get heavier... so let's get a move on okay?" Miles got a little nervous because of the short distance between him and Janzen. "Sure.." The both of them began to walk outside of the school, the umbrella above them. However, since Miles had never even opened an umbrella on his own before, he had no idea how to share an umbrella. They continued walking whilst Miles essentially just held the umbrella above his head only, resulting in Janzen trying to move closer to him. Janzen was only trying to move closer to him since it was raining and the rain was getting on him, but it affected Miles quite a lot, getting him very flustered. "Jannie...?" At this point, Janzen was slightly frustrated, since he knew that he would catch a cold if stuff continued like it did. "Yes Miles? What is it?" "You're.. close.. like really close.." Janzen then looked down and realised just how close in vicinity they were. "Oh! Oh Miles I'm so sorry.. I'll back off.. that's my bad.. it's just... you're getting me wet.." With that, Miles stopped walking completely, with Janzen still next to him. "I'm what?" Janzen stared with confusion. "You're getting me wet.. the umbrella isn't angled correctly.. see?" Janzen pointed upwards to the point where the umbrella stopped doing anything useful, which was right above Janzen's head and shoulder. "Oooh..." Miles laughed but he wasn't moving from the spot he was standing in. He attempted to angle the umbrella to cover Janzen but the raindrops mostly just fell in Janzen's direction. His hands became more shaky as he continued trying to get this umbrella covering the both of them. "Jannie... oh Jannie how do you do this so well? Haha... hah..." Miles was getting more and more nervous before eventually handing the umbrella to Janzen. "So uh.. I'll see you later right Jannie? I hope your weekend goes well- I'm gonna go if that's okay? Alright! Bye! Bye Jannie! I'll see you next week! Bye! Byebye!" After that string of speech, Miles sprinted off in the rain, covering his head with his bag. "Wait! Miles! You're gonna catch a cold! Get back here now!" Janzen shouted, his shouts being audible over the rain falling on the ground. He continued shouting to no avail, and he eventually just held the umbrella above his head and walked home. Janzen contemplated a perfect time to give this umbrella back to Miles, and he realised that (since it was Friday) the mandatory Colonizers Sleepover was going to happen later that afternoon. He could just hand the umbrella over to Miles. Right! Time to get home quickly before anyone starts to wonder where he is. Janzen ended up arriving home at the normal time he does since he decided to try and run the last couple blocks. 

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