Chapter 2

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Hey, can we talk

                                       Yeah, what's up?

I'm sorry about earlier

                                                      It's fine

Are you sure

                                         Yes, I'm positive

Okay, a few of us are going out tonight, if you want to go.

                                      Okay, yeah, I'll go

Great, see you tonight

I get dressed into a skirt and a buttoned blouse. Aubrey picked me up, and when we got to the club, my jaw dropped, Nika was dressed in some light brown cargo pants and a wife beater with a jacket over it. She looked so hot.
"Hey, bri, you look hot." I roll my eyes when paige starts flirting.

"Not interested, bueckers." She gives me a sly wink.
"Is there a certain girl you have your eye on, perhaps Nika." My face goes red, and nika turns around at her name.
"No, im not attracted to her." I make eye contact with Nika, and she looks like she wants to kill someone.
"Keep telling that to yourself, Griffin."
I roll my eyes and make my way to the bar to get a drink. I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I turn to see Nika standing behind me.

"Hey, Bri."
"Hey, Nika." I say as she grabs my hand.
"Come dance with me."
Me and nika start dancing with each other.
"You look really beautiful tonight." She whispers in my ear.
"Thank you." I say back, making sure she doesn't see my face turning red.
She grabs my waist and turns me around. We're so close that our lips are almost touching.
"I should head back to my apartment."  I say as I create some distance between us.
"I'll drive." I nod, and we head out and get in her car. While she's driving, she places her hand on my thigh. I tense a little, feeling the contact. It was making me a little flustered. "I make you so nervous." I look towards her.

"No, you don't." I say back quickly.
"Sure, I don't." She says and pulls into her apartment. "What are we doing here." I question.
"Your drunk bri, I'm gonna keep an eye on you." I smile at her
"Why are you being so sweet." I ask her as I lean over into her seat.
"Because I know you won't remember this." She gets out of the car and opens me door and helps me inside. When I get into her room, I jump on her bed.
"Your bed is so comfortable." I say as I sit up and see her standing in the doorway.
"I know it is."

"Will you lay with me tonight, please."
"Sure." She climbs into the bed with me, and I turn to face her. I move closer to her, and I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back but soon pulls away.
"Bri, go to sleep." I nod, and I fall asleep laying next to her.

When I wake up the next morning, I have the worst headache.
"Look who's finally awake." I laugh a little.
"I don't ever want to drink again." She hands me a water and advil. "Take this, it will help."
"Thank you Nika, please tell me I didn't do anything too embarrassing."
She laughs at my question.
"No, you didn't, now there are some clothes you can change into in the closet and I'll take you home."
I nod and get out of bed as I take the medicine.
"I really appreciate this." I say as I get done getting dressed, and I walk into the kitchen.
"Of course, Bri, now let's get you home." I follow her out to her car.
"So what did I do last night." I ask, and I see her tense up a little.
"Nothing, I just wanted to keep an eye on you." Nika turns up the radio, making me realize she doesn't want to talk any longer, so I shut up.

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