Chapter 1: A side job

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*Note: Its the early 2000s*

Judy was at the mall with her friend. It was in the middle of the vacation and she was shopping for clothes and getting some food with her best friend Marcy. 

Judy and Marcy were both talking about random stuff while walking in the mall. Until suddenly they found a beautiful clothing shop. "Omg we have to check that place out!" Marcy said. Judy agreed and they both went into the store. The store was called Marbles, it was even more beautiful inside the store. The store had a beautiful white floor and diamonds as lamps for the ceiling. The colors of the clothes were shining beautifully.

Judy and Marcy were in shock of how beautiful it was. Judy noticed how the clothes were set up "Marcy look how all the clothes are categorized so well!" Marcy agreed. "I know right and look how every color stands out, i just want to grab everything!"

All the workers in the store were all wearing an iconic outfit with each wearing a badge that had a diamond logo from the store. Judy and Marcy went to look around and quickly found beautiful clothes that they wanted. Marcy grabbed a dress that interested her. "Judy look! isn't this dress gorgeous!" Judy agreed, it was gorgeous indeed. it felt like they were in Willy Wonka's Choclate Factory but for clothes. Marcy was inlove with the dress, "Im deffinitly going to buy this!" Judy agreed "As you should." 

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Eventually Judy also found a gorgeous dress "Bro this dress also looks so good!" It really felt like clothing heaven. Marcy suggested to try them on, Judy agreed and they both went into the changing rooms to try there dresses. Once they both got out they were showing it to each other "We look amazing!" Marcy said. When they changed back into there normal clothes they went to the cash register to buy them.

Marcy went first and the cashier scanned it. "That's 149,99 dollars please." Judy was shook, she was so excited that she forgot how expensive these things can be. She started to panic a little in her thoughts "What if mine is even more expensive" she thought to herself. Marcy didn't seem to have any problem with the price though and casually payed the cashier. "Here you go!" Marcy said with a big smile. The cashier took the money and gave her the dress.

"Oh no, it's my turn now" Judy thought. She was next and the cashier started to scan her dress. "That will be 179,99." She froze up hearing that, she didnt even have enough for half that price. Judy explained the cashier how she didn't have enough, but the cashier looked annoyed "then what the fuck are you doing here, stop wasting my time and leave." Judy was offended "Excuse me?!" She said. Marcy saw how the situation was gonna get out of hand and told Judy to just go. Judy rolled her eyes "Yeah whatever, i don't wanna see her ugly face anymore anyways." She left the dress at the cash register and left the marbles with Marcy.

Judy was still annoyed about what happend "What the hell was her deal." Marcy agreed "I Don't know, but for a perfect shop it seems they don't have perfect employees." Judy replied "Haha, Exactly."

Marcy noticed how the mood was kinda off now so she suggested something "Let's go get some food, that asshole kinda ruined the mood, oh and im sorry about the dress you probably really wanted it. If i had enough i wouldve bought it for you". Judy apreciated her concern "Thanks Marcy but that was way to expensive, so don't feel the pressure that you should have bought it for me and you're right lets eat im starving."

Marcy smiled and they both went towards a nearby café, until suddenly Judy felt a touch on her shoulder. She looked around and saw a cute guy with a light brown skin color. Marcy turned around aswell "Oh my..." she said quietly to herself. Judy found him cute aswell but didn't really care all that much. Judy looked confused and asked the guy what he was doing.

"Uhh, can i help you?" She said. The guy giggled and answered "Hehe, sorry i thought you looked pretty cute, could i get you're number by any chance?" he said with a kind of deep voice. Judy hesitated and almost thought of giving a fake number, but when she looked at Marcy's face she decided to give her real number anyways. "Alright here you g-" the guy interrupted her. "No you know what, let me give you mine instead. Name is Jerome by the way. I need to go to the gym but i will catch ya later." He left while doing a 'call me' sign with his hands. Marcy giggled "hehe omg, his that confident you will call him back huh." Judy smiled a little "hehe, he was way overconfident." But she still thought he looked cute.

Marcy and judy continued to the korean restaurant. When they arrived they sat down and both looked at the order menu. Judy looked a bit concerning when she saw the prices and Marcy noticed "How much money do you even have right now?" Judy giggled a little embarrassed" hehe, uh like a 20" Marcy laughed a little "Haha, don't worry if you give me the 20 i will get you something better from the menu." she said with a smile. Judy thanked her in apreciation. she was kinda embarrassed going in rhe mall with her friend only having a 20 in her pocket. When a butler arrived they asked there order and after a while he came back with there food. Once they started eating, Marcy questioned Judy.

"So aren't you tired of always not having enough money. You can do like a little side job, try babystting for example, i myself do it and look how much money i have." After Judy finished her bite she answered "You know i dont like talking while im eating, but i guess you're right." Marcy continued "Great, i know a place you can go, maybe you can invite that guy aswell." She said with a smirk. "Its tonight so if you have time today." Judy looked at the paper with the guys number on it that he gave her. "We will see about that, but yeah i can tonight i guess." Marcy replied "Alright, originally i was planning to go, but now you can go instead eh?" Judy took her last bite "Yeah yeah." She said. Marcy smiled "Alright il text you all the information, adress, family etc. and when your there you can call me okay?" Judy nodded. Marcy also took her last bite and after a while they both eventually went home.

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