Chapter 3: Killer on the loose

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Judy was freaked out and felt unsafe. She reminded herself to call Marcy, she ran to the cable phone and typed her number in. Luckily she quickly picked up and heard her trough the phone. "Omg Judy, did you see the news!" Judy replied "I did, it's crazy!!!" She heard Marcy giggle a bit "I guess she got what she deserved huh." Judy didn't laugh though "That's not funny!" She said. Judy felt Alan pulling her shirt, "huh? Marcy one second please." She asked Alan what was wrong and he answered. "I'm hungry."

Judy was a little bit annoyed and already stressed "You will get you're food soon enough okay?" Alan looked annoyed and went back in the living room. Judy continued on the phone "Marcy what do i do im scared." Judy could feel her heart pumping loud and her palm slowly getting sweaty. She was aware of every crack the house made and tree branch that was moving because of the wind. Marcy felt her fear trough the phone "Hey i have an idea. This may sound weird but invite the guy at the mall to your house, tell him you wanna hang out so you're not alone."

It was an odd plan indeed but she didn't really had a lot of choice "Ugh, can't you come over?" Marcy understood her frustration "You know my parents won't let me go outside with that killer on the loose, i can try sneaking out but if i get caught il get in some deep sh*t."

Judy understood where she was coming from. "Fine, but if something for real happens, you better be here asap!" Marcy replied "Promise and be safe." Judy grabbed the note with the guys number in her pocket "Alright here goes noth-" Judy stops when she realizes her note isn't in her pocket. "Wait wha, where did i put it?"

Judy reminds herself "Thats right on the table!" Judy quickly rushes to the table, but its not there. "What how, i could have sworn i putted it there, maybe i remembered it wrong?!" Suddenly she hears a voice from the hall. "Looking for this?" Judy rushes to the hall and its Alan!

Alan took the note and was holding it "Alan, give that back please, it isn't yours." Judy said trying to keep her cool. But Alan looked angry and refused "No, i am angry with you!" Judy was confused "What why, please just give it back!" She tried to aproach him, but he ran upstairs. "No come back!"

Alan was running trough all the rooms and Judy tried to catch him but it was nearly impossible, as Alan ran trough all the rooms all she heard was "You can't catch me, you can't catch me, na na na na na na!" He kept repeating that in a annoying tone. Judy started getting frustrated "Just give it back you brat!" She was trying her best not to swear while she was chasing Alan for minutes, but Alan knew the house to well and kept finding a way around her. "Ugh i give up!!!"

Judy gave up and sits downstairs to think, suddenly it hit her. "That's it, he was hungry, that's why his mad!" She quickly went to the kitchen to find some food. "Okay lets seeee" Judy looked around the kitchen to make something, she wasn't in the mood to make a whole meal at the moment. Suddenly she found a box of cereal "That's it!"

She checked the fridge for milk and luckily found some. She grabbed a bowl in one of the closets and started preparing the cereal. She put the cereal first ofcourse like any normal person would and then poured the milk in. Lastly she grabbed a spoon. The cereal was done. She grabbed the cereal and took it to the living room, she putted down the cereal on the table and switched the TV channel to another kids show. "Okay everything is set, now i need to get that note from him." She said.

Judy ran to the hall and upstairs again. "Alan sorry for forgetting, i got you some food!" Alan stopped running and came to look downstairs. "Really?!" he asked. Judy nodded "Yeah now can i please get my note back?" Alan nodded and gave the note with the guys number on it back. Alan walked to the living room and grabbed the bowl with cereal. "Cereal at night?" he said. Judy replied "yes, now enjoy!" He started eating his cereal and Judy ran to the telephone.

"finally, okay lets see." She opened the note but it was blank! "What, are you serious!?" She was in disbelief. "No way, did that guy pretend to give his number?!" Alan noticed Judy being upset. "Turn it around dummy." He said to her. She did what Alan said and started feeling a bit dumb. "Oh... the number was on the other side of the note, thanks."

Judy quickly typed in the number and waited. "Please pick up, please pick up!" As the phone was going for a while she started to lose hope. Until the last second she heard a voice "Hey hey, i knew you would call." She reconized that little player like deep voice. "Uh yeah i guess, what was you're name again?" The guy giggled "Did you forget already? It's Jerome." Judy replied "Oh right, yeah i'm Judy by the way." Jerome told her how he liked her name and she thanked him. "Jerome was her only hope to feel safe at the moment.

"Hey so Jerome, uh can you meet me at my place?" Jerome felt a little rushed "Wow, were going fast aren't we, did you see the news? There is a crazy killer out there ya know." Judy knew, but her patience grew thin "Just come here asap please!!!" Jerome replied. "Okay sheesh, tell me your adress and il be on my way." She gave him the adress and hung up. "Phew, atleast i won't be alone now."

All she had to do now was get the house ready. She grabbed the snacks that she could find from the kitchen and brought them in the living room. "Okay, he said he would be here at around 21:45. It's currently 21:40. He can be here any minute!" Judy looked around. She forgot Alan was still here, he couldn't be here when he arrives.

Judy walked towards Alan and noticed he finished his cereal. "Okay Alan i need you to go to bed for me alright?" Alan looked at the clock "But it is not bedtime yet." Judy replied "I know but you need to sleep a little early today." Alan refused "But i'm not sleepy yet" he said. Judy thought for a second. "Mhmm, maybe scare him to bed? No... mhm, that's it!" she thought.

She went to the kitchen and grabbed the milk again. She filled a glass with milk and putted it in the microwave. Then she grabbed it out and brought it to Alan. "Alan look, i have a special drink that will help you fall asleep." But Alan didnt seem to buy it though. "That aint no special drink that's just milk." he said. Judy kept going though "Yes, but its a special kind of milk that will help you sleep and give you sweet dreams." Alan didn't really believe all of it, but was still kind of curious. "Fine i'll try it..." Alan drank the glass of warm milk and went to bed.

Judy quickly cleaned the bowl of cereal he left behind and quickly changed the tv channel to something else. "Alright everything is set, i got the snacks, tv and Alan is in bed. Now i just wait." Judy went to sit on the couch impatiently and waited for the doorbell, her legs keps shaking and she kept hearing tick noises from the clock until.

The doorbell rang.

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