// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪 //

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hiraeth - part eighty


       "I'm getting tired of this game,"

A small, childlike voice muttered, his tiny hand reaching out over the holographic image before him, his finger flicking the image of a planet. The planet bounced into another, dispersing into sparkles, glittering like stars. Letting out a hum, the small being plopped back down into his chair, leaning into the palm of his hand.

"Yeah. We're completely tied, this is our 202nd game. I'm so bored," The other one whined, before sighing. "I miss Goku. He was so much fun."

Looking up into his counterpart's eyes, Zeno tilted his head in confusion. "Goku? Was he the one who brought me here?"

"Yeah!" The other Zeno, the original, nodded excitedly, grinning. "He's super fun, he's my best friend. You'd like him."

The original Zeno hummed, placing a finger on his chin as he thought back to when he first met Goku, recalling a certain deal they had made, about a tournament. He visibly perked up with a gasp, catching his future counterpart's attention. "Oh! Goku promised me he'd come hang out again, we're supposed to have something called a tournament, with all twelve universes! They're super fun!"

"A tournament? What's that?" Future Zeno blinked in bewilderment. Zeno giggled, balling his hands into fists excitedly.

"It's a super fun event where everyone fights to win, Goku won the last one! He's super strong!" Zeno exclaimed. Future Zeno hummed, intrigued, but sighed as a thought crossed his mind.

"It'd be difficult to hold a twelve universe wide event. Especially since so many are subpar..." He muttered. Zeno groaned in disappointment, but agreed. They had recently grown exhausted having to watch over all twelve universes, even though they shared the duties not only between each other, but with the Grand Priest as well.

"Might I suggest you hold the tournament as a means to an end?" A voice spoke up, catching the Zenos attention. They glanced up to the source of the voice, meeting a pair of pale purple eyes. His head tilted as he smiled softly, holding his hands behind his back as the Grand Priest spoke up once more. "You could handle your issue with the universes, as well as have your fun."

The Zenos looked back to each other, before grinning widely. It was the perfect idea.

The wind blew softly through the thick forest of trees, purple leaves being shaken from the limbs as they glided across the breeze. The soft thud of footsteps filled the air as the trio walked along the dirt path.

Letting out a yawn with the stretch of his arms, a particular Saiyan huffed in boredom as he walked alongside the taller sphinx cat and his guardian angel. Goku glanced up at the angel, Whis, before pouting in boredom.

"Things have been too quiet lately," Goku muttered, having grown frustrated with the humdrum day to day. Even on Lord Beerus's planet, Goku couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness, the lack of excitement finally getting to the social butterfly.

"Too quiet?" Whis, glanced back to Goku with a raised brow, before smirking as he came to a stop. "Don't tell me you've grown bored of me, Goku. Have I finally outlived my usefulness to you?"

Goku huffed in frustration at Whis's teasing, resting his hands against the back of his head as his gaze drifted off into the distance. "It's not that. I guess I'm just used to stuff happening all the time. This last year has been pretty boring. Nothing's happened or changed."

Whis smiled, tilting his head as he soaked in Goku's words. Whis had expected this to happen; after all, a pretty integral part of Goku's life had disappeared for good over a year ago now. Despite carrying on as usual, Goku still couldn't help but notice the void in his life, as if something were missing.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now