Step 1 - Be Babe Tanatat

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"Babe Tanatat! Khun na kap why are you holding out on us?" Portia was loud and boisterous but she conveyed the feelings of the rest of his friends pretty well. He was clearly hiding something.

"Yes, tell us about your new co-star."

"Will you have to kiss him in the series?"

"Are there love scenes in the script?"

Everyone giggled at Nath's daring question but it was their weekly omegas brunch and nothing was off limits. Modernization and political advancements meant that a bunch of omegas could forgo suppressants and gather together in public to gossip about whatever they wanted without getting arrested.

The topic of his foray into the bl industry and all that came with it has held the gathering captive for weeks now. Speculating about Babe's new co-star, the cast and crew and even Babe's boss who they thought was hot after hours of social media stalking.

Babe took a long sip of his matcha and strawberry milk tea, contemplating. "There are multiple love scenes," he rolled his eyes at their cooing, "but that's not the problem."

"Problem? Did something come up?"

"They forced you to wear suppressants didn't they-"

"Calm down ladies. It's nothing serious." Slender fingers combed through his hair, a sign he was truly distressed. "Remember Billy? The alpha I'll be acting with? Portia worked with him before." at their collective nods, he continued, "When we met, his scent hit me like a truck. I thought it was nothing at first but as the day went on his scent was like catnip to me. I was almost following him around like an idiot."

As he spoke, the rapt attention from his friends morphed into incredulous stares. "No way! After years of looking for your compatible alpha, you found him at your first ever acting job?" Portia immediately understood what Babe was implying.

"Funny right?"

"Not funny, that's almost improbable. Please tell me you didn't let him know."

Babe recalled Billy's cold look and the general 'don't try to get close to me vibes' he gave off at their first meeting. "I didn't tell him. Alphas never believe omegas about these things."

Mother nature gave omegas the ability to detect compatible scents but in an alphacentric society, omegas were often doubted and shamed when they revealed this to the alphas. It even led to the widely mistaken belief that compatible scents and the idea of fated mates were a myth, despite multiple scientific studies proving otherwise.

The mood at the table was dampened significantly.

Look, one of his more quiet friends quipped, "Mike believed me when I told him but that was only because we are close childhood friends and it felt natural between us..."

"The situation in that company now is... messy to say the least. If I went around saying Billy was my alpha, not only would he think I'm lying, I would look like a crazy attention seeker." Babe propped his chin up with his hand, the very picture of melancholy.

"He's a polite alpha but he keeps everyone at a distance except his family and his closest friends. He is also pretty wealthy. I can't imagine the number of random omegas that throw themselves at him, claiming he is their compatible mate," Portia had a thoughtful look on her face, condensation from her forgotten lemon ice tea soaking the table as she racked her brains to find a solution to Babe's dilemma.

"Maybe I should just reject the contr-"

"Don't even bother finishing that sentence, Babe Tanatat Phanviriyakool, I will beat you up on behalf of your mother."

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