Bonus Tip: Carry his Babies - Epilogue

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Billy Patchanon was holed up in a secluded corner in between takes on set. No one knew what he was doing but everyone gave him a wide berth because he was staring at his phone screen seriously, occasionally adjusting his airpods like he did not want to miss any detail of what he was listening to.

Many would think he was watching something about how to refine his acting skills or watching dancing videos to prepare for his upcoming events but in reality Billy was watching a preppy omega talk about what to expect during childbirth.

The bright screen illuminated his features which were softened by a mixture of concern and fascination. His fingers tapped his knees impatiently as he scrolled through countless videos, each colorful and eye-catching thumbnail claiming to provide a lifeline to the uncharted territory of omega pregnancy.

The world of acting, with its constant demands and public scrutiny, felt a million miles away as he immersed himself in the gentle world of prenatal care. As he watched, he noticed concerned looks from the director and a pang of guilt shot through him. He knew he should be more present and engaged with what was going on around him. But the weight of impending fatherhood was overwhelming, a tidal wave of emotion threatening to drown him.

He was constantly thinking about his pregnant omega, the baby they would soon have and how their lives would change because of it. His father already told him that he would feel like this for a long time, told him that he would constantly be consumed with the thoughts of his family but Billy didn't know how intense it could feel until now.

By the time he actually got home, he was on his 10th video, totally absorbed in listening to the story of an omega describing the top ten things his alpha did to make his pregnancy easier in a bubbly manner as he rode down the familiar path back to their home.

As he walked through the door, he was surprised by how quiet things were. Usually Babe would have his friends around to keep him company or start some creative project as an outlet to make up for his inability to join Billy at work.

Recently, Babe was on edge. As the months went by and the baby grew bigger, his emotions seemed to fall into a moody state. As an omega who took pride in keeping his body fit, the reality of his pregnant belly and all the other physical changes that came with pregnancy caused him a lot of distress.

His mom and Babe's mom who had become fast friends always did their best to cheer Babe up and all their friends pitched in but Billy couldn't help but feel guilty.

He felt responsible for Babe's predicament and the fact that Babe was the only one experiencing all the negative side effects of bringing their child into the world didn't sit right with him.

Because of this, he did everything he could to make the experience more comfortable for Babe. He was always willing to satisfy Babe's strange food cravings no matter the time of day and often Billy could be found on his knees, massaging Babe's feet as the heavily pregnant omega questioned him about what happened at the company recently. Billy hired two housekeepers who were also trained chefs to make sure Babe could fully concentrate on keeping himself and the baby happy.

At first Babe worked in various projects at IDF until he started showing. This led to a phase where Babe stayed away from the spotlight, shy about his changing body and eventually he built his nest - a place surrounded with the scent of his alpha.

After Babe built his soft and warm nest, he spent a lot of time snuggled up and cozy, singing Thai folk songs to his bump and reading parenting books. Being submerged in Billy's scent seemed to do wonders for his mood swings and turbulent emotions.

As Billy walked into their master bedroom, he spotted Babe sleeping half buried in a pile of pillows and Billy's t-shirts.

He remembered a piece of advice from one of the omegas he watched on YouTube or tiktok he forgets which. The round-faced omega said that the first pregnancy was always the toughest and in future pregnancies, the omega would be able to manage their fluctuating hormones better.

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