Step 2: Love Billy Patchanon with All Your Heart (and Body)

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Billy ignored a lot of things after the first time he helped Babe with his heat.

He ignored Heng's questioning look when he mentioned that he would be taking Babe along with him to lunch with his family. He ignored Franky's amused glances when he helped Babe wipe his face after a meal together. He even ignored his mom's raised eyebrow when he canceled on the family golf date to take Babe out to dinner. But he couldn't ignore when Babe came to him, in the middle of a photoshoot with tears in his beautiful eyes, asking to have a word with Billy privately.

"What's wrong?" Billy asked, on alert because Babe had seemed off all day. He didn't send his usual line messages telling Billy anything and everything about his day and when they arrived at the location for the shoot, Babe seemed glum and quiet, unlike his usual self.

"Ly krub, I think I might be pregnant," as soon as the last word left Babe's lips, it suddenly hit Billy that they did not use any protection during the heat. Shocked, worried and slightly hopeful though he would never admit it out loud, Billy sped his way to the nearest hospital with Babe by his side, unusually quiet with his hand on his flat stomach.

His family had a longstanding relationship with this hospital which meant they were attended to as quickly as possible. He watched with concern as the nurse kindly led Babe behind a curtain.

It didn't take long for Heng to show up at the hospital after receiving his text and they both waited with their hearts in their throats for the result of Babe's pregnancy test. Billy was glad he had a trusted friend like Heng around to help distract him from the unprompted visions of playing with a little girl or boy with a pretty mole under their eye just like their mother.

The test turned out negative. Babe was not pregnant.

Heng pulled them both into a hug, "Damn, I was so worried after I got the text. You crazy kids need to learn about using protection." Billy dredged up a smile he didn't feel as he pressed Babe closer to him.

"Yeah me too," he mumbled, eyes on Babe to gauge his reaction, but the omega kept his head down.

After their shared heat together, Billy found that he was more intune with Babe's emotions which he thought was a good advantage to have as on screen partners but now Billy was confused because why was Babe so sad and disappointed.

"Don't go P'Ly. Stay with me," Babe was whining from the couch, looking distressed and betrayed at the idea of Billy going on a trip without him, completely disregarding the fact that he regularly went on trips with his friends without Billy. His full lips were pouted up from where he was laying and Billy really couldn't resist. He leaned down to lay a quick kiss on Babe from where he was sitting next to him, watching a football match on the TV.

That was his mistake because Babe wrapped both hands around his neck, making Billy fall awkwardly over Babe's small frame. At first it seemed like Babe was going to continue asking to go along with him on the family trip even when his overpacked solo schedule didn't allow for it but he seemed to pause as his nose hit Billy's neck.

Billy lifted himself off Babe, hovering over him, worried that the sudden pressure of his weight hurt him somehow but that didn't seem to be the case as Babe's nose seemed to follow, seemingly wanting to go back to scenting him.

"Are you alri-"

His concern was interrupted by Babe's more insistent, "Are you about to have your rut season?"

That brought Billy up to a pause.

"My rut? That's-," Babe pulled Billy back down against his body and pressed his nose against the alphas neck, completely ignoring whatever Billy was about to say.

How To Make Billy Obsessed With You In One Year 18+Where stories live. Discover now