Chapter 1: Quinceañera/Meeting Zatz

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It was another day in the Kingdom of Teca, Right now is a special day today for today is Princess Maya of the Teca's Quinceañera and also her 15th birthday. Right now it was starting as King Teca told his wife Queen Teca that the other Kingdoms have come to honor Maya for this celebration today while the 3 Jaguar Princes were standing in a line with the beautiful 16 year-old Princess Shakeah of Elementalia and her older twin brother Sean and their friends. But today was about to change everyone's lives forever...

Shakeah was standing proudly beside Sean and their friends along with the 3 Jaguar Princes

King Teca said to Queen Teca "Behold, Mi amor. The other Kingdoms have all come to honor our daughter"

Then Queen Teca said with a soft smile calmly after a sigh "This is even better than I dreamt"

Then Draga that has blue hair said to her 2 twin sisters and the 3 Jaguar Princes while pointing to the Gran Bruja and the Wizard Council "Look, Look! The Gran Bruja and the Wizard is here"

Then Laila with the light blue hair said while pointing to the next kingdom that arrived "Oh! And the King and Princess of the Barbarians actually showed up"

{30 minutes later}

Shakeah was standing defensively infront of Maya as Sean, Shakeah's Friends, King Teca, Queen Teca and the 3 Jaguar Princes did the same as a strange helmeted figure starts walking towards them after riding on a Skeleton Puma with fire eyes

Then King Teca said to Shakeah "Shakeah. You, Your brother and your friends fight with us"

Then Shakeah said to King Teca "Sì, Your highness"

Then the helmeted figure said while still walking towards them "Great King and Queen of Teca! Allow me to introduce myself. *Takes Off His Helmet To Reveal His Handsome Face* I am Zatz, The Prince of Bats"

Then the people of Teca became so awe of Zatz's charming looks as they all gasp in awe even Shakeah as she blushes really madly

Then Zatz said as he continues walking towards the Royal Teca Family "I am but an emissary for Lord Mictlan"

Then the people of Teca all gasped in shock and fear as one of the males fainted in fear

Then Sean said with surprise "Lord Mictlan?"

Then Queen Teca said to Zatz while holding her weapons "Why are you here now? We done nothing but honor the gods"

Then Zatz said while still walking towards the Royal Teca Family "Please, Allow me to escorted the honorable Princess Maya to her rightful kingdom in the Underworld"

Then Maya said in confusion "My rightful kingdom?"

Then Shakeah's Friends all said in unison while all being shocked "The Underworld?!"

Then Zatz said while still walking towards the Royal Teca Family "And once in the Underworld, Princess Maya will be sacrificed"

Then the people of Teca all once again gasped in fear and shock as the same guy fainted once again

Then the 3 Jaguar Princes and Mayo all said in unison "Sacrificed?"

Then Maya gasped in shock, Then she looked at her parents

Then Queen Teca glares at King Teca as he sighed in depression

Then Chiapa growled uncertainly at King Teca, Then he returns his glaring at Zatz

Then Zatz said while still walking towards the Royal Teca Family "Alas, Lady Micte, Maya's true mother shall welcome her to the endless death"

Then the 3 Jaguar Princes all said in unison after gasping in shock "True mother?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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