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Naomi turned to the side to distract herself from the heavy feeling on her chest, but to no avail, she turned again to the opposite side. She kept tossing and turning, trying to rid herself of the sensation of losing the only air she was allowed to breathe. Her eyes felt open, yet her body was convinced they were closed. She looked around to see what resembled the aftermath of a war, with pebbles on the ground mixing with the sediment filled sand.

She took a step forward, unsure of what she was witnessing, and saw bones with torn clothes over them and carcasses impaled with spears and swords. Amidst this grim landscape, a torn flag fluttered in the wind like a ghostly apparition, its colors faded but its message defiant. Upon its fabric, a faded drawing captured her attention—a silhouette of an animal, perhaps a crow, its wings outstretched as if ready to take flight. The image was enigmatic, its meaning shrouded in the mists of time. She felt compelled to follow its path, but her limbs refused to obey, dragging as if resisting an invisible force. The wind, playful yet sinister, teased her with its speed, knowing she could never match its pace. She lost her balance and, for whatever reason, fell backward, not bracing for the impact. Subconsciously, she thought the fall would be short because of the sand beneath her feet.

Her stomach dropped; the fall was quick, and she watched the hill she had been standing on shrink as the  speed of her fall increased. She closed her eyes. She gasped and panting rapidly. What was that? Before she could wonder any more, her alarm rang loudly. With squinted, encrusted eyes, she began searching for her phone, finding it under her pillow. She tapped stop and threw it against the sheets. She brought her hands to her face to wipe away any crust as she made her way towards the bathroom.

Crows—lately, they seemed to be everywhere. Naomi had even drawn one for the contest, trying to brush it off, but the suffocating feeling lingered. The sand in her dream had felt so real; it had been years since she'd had such a vivid dream. As she reached the bathroom sink, she splashed water on her face, desperately trying to shake off the lingering unease. A quick shower might cleanse her of this haunting sensation. After the shower, she returned to her bed, leaping onto it as if she had been away for ages. The mattress creased under her weight as she lay there, staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Her phone buzzed loudly, she ignored it. It buzzed once more and she felt compelled to check. It was an email thread, she pressed it and immediately sat straight up as her eyes widened. It said the following.


Applicants must be at least 18 years old and capable of performing basic cleaning and cooking tasks. Flexibility for overtime work during parties and gatherings is required. The position entails strict adherence to confidentiality rules and mandates privacy protection. Responsibilities include attending to tenants' needs and maintaining a spotless home. Applicants must be willing to relocate permanently for this position. Any further inquiries should be directed to the maid lead.

I anticipate the opportunity to work with you. Please visit today at 10 a.m.

- Sebastian

Was he serious? Last night felt more like a distant, foggy dream than a memory. It was shocking to think she'd be working for the father of those kids; the man didn't seem to carry himself with the air of wealth and privilege. Reflecting on it now, she realized there was a certain aura about him, but he came off as too gruff for her liking. Glancing at the time, she noticed it was 9:50. Panic surged through her—she hadn't packed anything yet. Everything was unfolding far too quickly for her comfort. And now he was expected to give up her flat? Would her new room be shared? There were too many unknowns swirling around her. Deciding to pack just the essentials for now, she resolved to return tomorrow to collect the rest. She gathered up most of her staple pieces, along with some new clothing she had been saving. A thought suddenly crossed her mind—would she be required to wear a uniform like the others?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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