Alone | Chapter 1 (Season 2 Of Four Eyes)

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                                Y/N POV

I sit on the top of a building as I look up at the sky, I didn't really know where to go now, my mom told me to go to class but my classes where late and I couldn't go.

I moved recently, and it was boring.

Everything that happened before already happened, but one didn't, and it was odd for me.

Me and Pavitr aren't going out?

And he's not dating anyone else... Where just friends. And it's obviously nothing wrong with it's just odd?

My thoughts where interrupt led by the buzzing of my watch suddenly going off.

I put up to see it. It was Miguel, calling for the ten hundred time today trying to say he figured out my problem when he really didn't.

I picked up, and he appeared, and I just looked at him like I knew what he was going to do.

"Before you even say anything, it's not that, and stop giving me that look. Now, I wanted you to go on a mission with Pav and Hobie, but I'm not quite sure if I want you to anymore." Miguel implied with a hint of sarcasm.

I shrugged. "I'll do it just because I'm bored." Hanging up, I sat up onto my feet, going downstairs to my apartment.

Opening the door to seem, my mom snugged up next to the chief. I think they were dating, but I don't really keep track of their relationship anymore..

Mom waved over to me with a small smile. "¿No fue así hot out there?" She asked. (English:Wasn't it hot out there?)

She has recently been talking just a bit more english than spanish, even the chief has been teaching her mom english, and she has been teaching him spanish, really sweet, I guess.

I shook my head, going past them. "Nope, Mama, I'm going to sleep for a bit. Don't come into my room. por favor!" I responded as I closed my door. (English:Please)

A few days ago, I figured out how to get rid of the other eyes like for temporary. I don't really know how to do it or get it back, but I can still see through things.

In a way, I could say that I got more spider like features on my body, and it scared the shit out of me when it first happened, there where other arms that came from my body and it was so weird but I figured out how to get ride of them like my eyes.

Putting on my suit that I customized when I had the time, I made sure to make me a jacket like Hobie recommended and it actually added on to my new costume that was now just green and black. I decided not to put too much into it now, and I liked it more than my other one.

I swung out the window as I was ready for literally anything now, and my senses were definitely at high alert. Tapping on some buttons on my watch, it called Miguel back instantly.

"What." He answered with a long sigh.

"Where do I go? Also, you never gave me directions." I said, stopping to listen.

"Maybe if you would have listened instead of hanging up. Anyways, just look for your boyfriend. You both are close in the area- oh, I forgot... that's not your boyfriend anymore." He said with a small smile.

"Oh, fuck you." I said rolling my eyes, hanging up on him once again.

At least I didn't ask about his daughter...


I was getting tired as them back as they made me wait while they interacted the villan.

"You know mate, I think I saw you a few days ago..." Hobie said, tilting his head as he thought for a moment.

Pav shook his head. "No, I don't think you just saw him, I was with you because I kinda remember him."

I groaned, pulling back the anger woman as they wanted to lash out at them. "Can we hurry this up my arms fucking hurt!" I yelled and yanked them back.

Hobie put up his finger as he looked at them for a bit. "Shhh, give me a minute. You know why did you you start doing crime... you're too pretty for that."

Was he really trying to flirt with someone right now! Listen, this is my last year of high school, and I think I need to be to school in a few hours, so we need to hurry this up some how.

"I do not side with the Spider-Man's." The woman said in a Russian accent. I laughed a bit at Hobie he seemed a bit surprised that someone was basically turning him down in a way.

"You don't need her anyway. Don't you have Gwen or something?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

Hobie laughed a bit as he shook his head. "Nah, she's more of a Miles kinda guy, and I'm not that, so that's your answer to that question."

Before I could actually reply, a man in a police outfit came over to us and quickly took the woman away as she yelled insults at as.

It was normal for them to feel like that, sometimes I wonder how they became like that? I need to stop thinking that! My god. Many of the spider people told me to stop thinking and just keep doing my job in my dimension, but I just really wonder sometimes.

"I thought you needed to go?" Hobie asked as he put his hands on his hips.

I took out my phone and looked at the time to see school had already started. "Fuck!" I quicking run out of the building as I changed trying to not get seen also.

"Hey! Why the he'll are you that fast?!" Someone yelled from behind me as they chased after me.

I stopped at the bottom to see who it was. Pavitr came down and put his hands on his knees as he let out a breath. "Wait... Wait, for me."

I looked down at him with a small smile. "Well, we better hurry up because this is the first time you will be late if we keep standing here."

"Okay, we gotta go!" Pavitr said as he seemed completely fine and then started to run off to the school.

Author Eight, here! So I'm back with this story and I'll try to to go so fast with this story and the chapters with be kinda longer now so I'll try my best to be more constant with this and I hope you love the new chapters to come! Bye-bye.

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