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Saturday, May 4rd 9:00am

When we got home last night the first thing I did was take a shower, a steamy hot shower that relaxed my body while taking a shower. Penelope washed all of my clothes and the guards took everything else to my room.

When I was done showering I just put on an oversized t-shirt too lazy to wait for the laundry to be done and I just fell asleep on the bed deciding to organize all of the shopping bags.

This morning I got up and I saw only a small amount of the clothes I got yesterday in the small closet.

Where did the others go?

I shrugged my shoulders thinking maybe she was still washing the clothes. I decided to get ready before putting everything away.

I grabbed a cropped white sleeveless corset along with a pair of cream colored cargo pants. I slid on a pair of socks as well.

Her outfit^

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Her outfit^

I walked into the small bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. I grabbed the two bags of Sephora and Ulta before taking everything out and organizing everything .I was so thankful that I got the last skincare and makeup organizer because there is not enough counter space for my skincare and makeup.

After I put all of the shopping bags away I put on the pair of hightop black converse I had got yesterday at the mall.

I was about to set the new phone and MacBook I got but there was a knock at the door.

I walked to the door, opening it only to see one of the maids. I think her name was Zoey or something.

"Mr. Valentin would like you downstairs for breakfast Miss Colombo" She said.

"Okay I'll be right down" I said and she walked off before I closed the door.

I walked to the mirror in the bathroom fixing my hair and making sure I was decent enough.

When I was down I walked out of the bathroom. I checked the time, seeing it was a quarter to ten o'clock. I decided to head downstairs so I walked out of the room.

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