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<CLERMONT-FERRAND, FRANCE> Sunday, May 25th 12:00pm

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Sunday, May 25th 12:00pm

Amara and Enzo ran into the dressing room. I felt Amaras hand touch my back and I flinched.

"Nova are you okay?" Amara asked.

"Of course shes not okay shes having a fucking panic attack" Enzo said.

"Do you want me to get Roman?" Amara asked.

I shook my head no due to not being able to talk because of my situation.

"What do you need?" Enzo asked.

"Br- br- other" I rasped out.

"You need to call your brother?" Amara asked.

I nodded feeling tears brim in my eyes.

God this is so embarrassing Dante is the only one that has seen me in this state not even my mother or father have seen me like this mostly because they don't know how much Antonio triggered me.

Only Dante knows.

"Fuck Roman is going to be so pissed off but I don't really give a fuck" Enzo says and I see him take out his phone.

"Do you know his phone number?"

I nodded my head and he handed me his phone. I looked down and my eyes were blurry but I've done this a thousand times. I typed in Dante's number and pressed the green button that starts the call.

It dialed three times before it picked up.


Hearing Dantes voice made a smile on my face.

"D- Dante.." I said in a barely whisper.

"Nova?" He said through the phone, "Is that really you femminuccia?" He said.

(Translation: Sissy)


"Dante h- he's h- here, I c- can't b- brea- breathe" I whispered.

"It's okay I may not be there in person but I'm here through the phone. Listen I need you to take deep breaths when I say" He said.

"O- okay"

"Take a deep breath in"

I took a deep breath in.

"Breathe it out"

I breathed it out.

I listened to everything he said but it wouldn't work. I needed him next to me with me, Amara rubbing my back trying to help me.

"G- get this stu- stupid fucking dr- dress off of my b- bo- body" I said and Amara took it out after Enzo left to give us privacy Amara put my other clothes back on.

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