Father. Do you love me?

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Mors was.. a difficult person to approach, to say the least.

He always gave off aloof body language. Making it hard to approach him.

He'd relax a little, when around Korina. But, even then, he'd still hold himself pretty aloof.

"Korina?" Thanatos asked. "Do you know where Mors is?" He asked.

Korina looked up from the tea she was making for Mors, Thanatos, and herself. "I believe he's outside still. He said he needed to clear his head." Korina answered.

Thanatos nodded his head. "Okay. Thank you, Korina." He said.

"You're welcome. Shall I inform you when the tea is done? Or should I wait until I see you aren't busy? I don't want to interrupt." Korina asked Thanatos.

"If you would wait until I'm done, that'd be best. Thank you." Thanatos answered.

Korina nodded her head, and turned her attention back to the steeping tea.

She had a feeling Thanatos would be having another one on one, conversation with Mors.

They were both really worried about him. He's been even more closed off, than he usually is.

(𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬)

"Mors?" Thanatos called out to Mors.

The scene he arrived to, wasn't very pleasant.

Mors, was laying on the ground, staring up at the 'sky', like he had, awhile after he killed a mortal by accident. But, this time. He was throwing a dagger up and down. The dagger, barely missing him, when landing.

"Mors." Thanatos said, concern clear in his voice.

When the dagger fell, he grabbed it, and held it. "Yes, Thanatos?" He asked, his voice unnervingly  calm.

"May we talk?" He asked.

"We're talking now, aren't we?" Mors asked. Purposely turning the tables on that question.

Thanatos let out a hum. "Hmm. I suppose we are. But, you know what I mean." Was his response.

Mors let out a chuckle. "Indeed I do. Funny how, suddenly, something like this happens. And you suddenly feel fatherly, and show an interest in checking up on me." He said.

"Mors, I've always cared." Thanatos stated.

"Yes, you have." Mors agreed. "But have you always acted? No. I understand, Korina needs a lot of attention. She knows so little, of who she is. And I want her to find out who she is. But, I tend to be left in the shadows. Then again, I care more about her finding answers, than feeling like she's a mystery to herself, for the remainder of her life. She deserves answers and peace in mind. I can take being in the shadows, every now and then." He said.  

Thanatos was silent for a moment. "I know. I haven't been the best father. God or not, parents make mistakes. We neglect our children, even when it's those of us that don't mean to, nor wish to." Thanatos agreed with Mors.

"Answer me this, father." Mors said. "Do you love me?" He asked.

Thanatos sat down beside Mors. "Of course I do, Mors. I've loved you ever since my eyes laid sight on you. I knew you weren't biologically my son. But that didn't matter to me. I loved you, from the very second, I first met you. I am no saint. I am not perfect. We have our disagreements, our arguments. But my love for you, has not wavered, my child." Thanatos answered honestly.

Mors was silent. "I want to believe you. I do. Memories of my childhood, and memories in general, show that, despite being a disobedient and difficult, child, teenager, and young adult. That you love me, as your own. But, you lied to me about the truth about myself, for years. It'll take awhile, for me trust your words, again. I feel I can still trust you. But feeling I can trust you, and actually trusting you, are two different things." He said.

Thanatos nodded in understanding. "I understand. I'll give you space, to figure things out. But, I will still check up on you. I know I lied to you, about the truth, for years. And I know that I have caused you to go through a lot of stress. Identity Crisis, even. But I won't leave you all on your own, in this situation. I will respect your boundaries. But I will not abandon you." He said.

Mors smiled softly. "Thank you, father." He said.

Thanatos stood up. "Korina was preparing some tea for the three of us. Would you like to come inside, and join us for some tea? Or would you like to have some more alone time, out here?" He asked, softly.

"Tea sounds nice. I'll join you two for tea." Mors answered.

He stood up, and followed Thanatos to the kitchen, for some tea.

Korina had also made some sandwiches. So the three sat down, and enjoyed their tea and sandwiches.

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