4: Reading the Instructions on the Back of My Ramen Noodles Package: Oh, Lore?

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A/N: I should probably mention now that I have 11+ more chapters already prewritten AND the entirety of this story planned to the end. That means that most, or rather, everything in this story is NON-NEGOTIABLE! Don't like how the story is going? I'm sure you can find something else!

This story, by the way, is going to be LONG. Most likely over 100 chapters and might need to be split into a second book due to chapter limits, but hopefully, it won't be that lengthy.

With that said, I hope you can enjoy this chapter regardless!


You and Toriel came to an immediate and silent agreement: do not leave the house alone.

She isn't trying to keep you imprisoned, nor are you such a pussy that you're too scared to be alone. You're actually pretty strong since one, you thought it would be funny. Two, you used to have to carry someone your age a lot when you were seventeen, so you (had to) build some muscles to be able to do it regularly. After that, you thought it'd be good to maintain that strength.

[Your build is actually deceiving to your physical strength, though. / Most people can probably guess you're strong from your stature.] Either way, you don't use that strength for malice since you don't enjoy hurting others, and one day you'll be officially taking the Hippocratic Oath. You might as well start living by it now to the best of your abilities.

It's already the next day since you've arrived in the Underground, and there have been no signs of Flowey. You're sure Toriel must be able to at least sense him, but not even she can say if he's watching from afar or not.

Toriel is taking it upon herself to show you around the Ruins, taking you back to the beginning.

You picked up the toy knife before getting busy. You explained to Toriel that you won't use it, but you just liked to collect things. It's not really a lie, so you didn't feel bad about hiding your true intentions.

Anyway, Toriel watches you do the puzzles on your own, surprised to see how easily you're able to do them fairly quickly.

"Not to give myself a congratulatory slap on the a–ahh–on the back," You quickly correct yourself since there are monsters in the room, "But I was in high honors and AP classes at University. I got a big brain in this noggin' of mine."

You only corrected your language to keep up the appearance that you're a kid. It's not ideal, but you're not trying to blow your cover.


"I would... advise that you continue to wear this out should we leave the house," Toriel had told you as she gave back your washed, striped dress, "I don't want to tell you how you should act or talk, but it might be a little safer this way. If somehow, you encounter a fight, monsters may not attack you as hard if they believe you to be a child. You understand, do you not?"

You pouted, taking the dress, "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Uh, I would like to apologize in advance if I swear on accident, though. I can't help it."

"Oh, please. It's not as if though children don't have a potty mouth as well."


Yeah, certainly not ideal. But you know she's right so there's no use in arguing with it. You and the goat mom leave the rotating rooms that aren't actually rotating. The next room you enter is the one with the six patches on the floor, with the right switch in one of them. However, since the spikes on the ground have already been disabled, you don't have to worry about these puzzles.

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