❤️‍🩹'Painful memories.'❤️‍🩹

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Ship: Raj x Bowie. (RAJBOW)

Prompt: (ANGST TO FLUFF) Raj has a panic attack after seeing a cassowary at the zoo, and Bowie helps him calm down.



Raj and Bowie had been planning their outing for days, eager to spend some quality time together outside of the chaotic world of the show. They had settled on visiting the local zoo, both excited to see the animals and enjoy each other's company.

As they met up outside the zoo entrance, Raj couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervous excitement in his stomach. He had developed feelings for Bowie during their time on the show, and he hoped that their date would bring them even closer together.

"Hey, Raj!" Bowie greeted him with a warm smile, causing Raj's heart to skip a beat.

"Hey, Bowie!" Raj replied, returning the smile as he felt a rush of happiness wash over him.

As they purchased their tickets and entered the zoo, Raj and Bowie chatted happily, sharing stories and laughing together.

As they approached the various animal exhibits, Raj found himself stealing glances at Bowie whenever he thought he wasn't looking, feeling a warmth spreading through him every time their eyes met.

With each passing moment, Raj grew more and more certain that he had made the right choice in asking Bowie out on a date.

They eventually stumbled upon a sign indicating the cassowary exhibit. Curious, they decided to check it out.

As they approached the enclosure, Raj's eyes scanned the area, his expression growing tense as he spotted the large, striking bird. He instinctively took a step back, his breath catching in his throat.

His heart began to race, and his palms grew clammy as memories of the traumatic challenge flooded back to him.

Bowie noticed Raj's reaction and immediately sensed something was wrong. "Hey, Raj, what's going on?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

Raj struggled to respond, his chest tightening with each panicked breath. He felt overwhelmed by the sudden rush of memories and emotions, unable to shake the feeling of fear that gripped him tightly.

Sensing the severity of the situation, Bowie gently guided Raj to a nearby bench, speaking to him in a soothing tone. "Just focus on your breathing, Raj. You're safe here with me," He said, placing a comforting hand on Raj's back.

Raj closed his eyes and tried to follow Bowie's advice, but the memories continued to torment him, each one more vivid than the last. He felt trapped.

Bowie remained by Raj's side, offering words of encouragement and support as he rode out the waves of panic. Slowly but surely, Raj began to regain control of his breathing, his racing heart gradually returning to a more steady rhythm.

Raj finally opened his eyes, meeting Bowie's gaze with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion. "Thanks, Bowie," He said softly, his voice trembling slightly. "I don't know what came over me."

Bowie gave Raj a reassuring smile, his eyes filled with compassion. "It's okay, Raj. We all have our moments. If you don't mind though, can you tell me what caused it?" He spoke calmly, referencing Raj's sudden panic.

Raj hesitated, his gaze still fixed on the cassowary. "It's just... that bird," He began, his voice trailing off.

Bowie followed Raj's gaze and then turned back to him, understanding dawning on his face. "Oh, the challenge from the island," He said softly, recalling Raj's story.

Raj nodded, his shoulders tense. "Yeah, exactly. It's bringing back some memories," He admitted, his voice tinged with unease.

Bowie placed a comforting hand on Raj's arm, offering him a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe here with me," He said, his tone gentle and soothing.

Raj glanced at Bowie, grateful for his understanding. "Thanks, Bowie," He said quietly, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

Bowie noticed Raj's lingering tension and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, do you need a minute to fully calm down?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

Raj shook his head, offering Bowie a small smile. "No, I'm okay," He reassured him, appreciating Bowie's offer of support.

Bowie nodded, accepting Raj's response. "Alright, just let me know if you need anything, okay?" He said, his tone reassuring.

With Bowie's comforting presence by his side, Raj felt more at ease as they continued their date at the zoo, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. And as they explored the various exhibits together, Raj couldn't help but feel grateful for having Bowie in his life.


(I love these two so much. You have no idea.)


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