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A 7 year old boy with navy blue hair and gorgeous blue eyes was in the living room playing with his toy cars as he waited for his parents to come back home. After waiting for an hour, he jumped up in excitement when he heard the gate being opened.

His parents then came inside and greeted him with big smiles on their faces, "Michi my love. Guess what?" his mother said happily. "What is it mommy?", the little boy asked curiously. "We adopted a little brother for you. Just like you always wanted", his father plainly said. Takemichi's eyes lit up in anticipation, "R-really? Where is he?", he asked excitedly.

His mother smiled and pointed at the door, where a boy with midnight black hair and silver eyes stood. The boy was wearing glasses and looked like he was 5 years old. "Don't be shy now, Kisaki. Come in and meet your new older brother", the mother said with a smile as she gestured Kisaki to come in.

Kisaki shyly nodded and hesitantly walked inside the house and stood in front of Takemichi. "H-hi...I-i'm Kisaki Tetta. Wha-what's your name?". Kisaki shyly said while stuttering, and Takemichi flashed a bright smile at him. "Hi, my name is Takemichi. From now on you and i are brothers. Isn't that so cool", Takemichi enthusiastically said, which made Kisaki blush as he smiled and nodded.

From that day, Takemichi and Kisaki grew close. Takemichi was happy that he finally had a little brother that he could play with, and Kisaki was happy to finally have a family and an older brother like Takemichi. The two were now inseprable and did everything together like sleeping together, bath together, play together and etc.

But as time passed, takemichi's parents started to like kisaki more because of how smart he is, smarter than takemichi. They both started to ignore takemichi and neglact him, giving him no attention. Their full time attention went to the smart child, the younger brother, Kisaki. Takemichi didn't like it and grew jealous of kisaki.

Takemichi started to ignore kisaki and distance himself from him. He stopped playing with him, sleeping with him whenever he got nightmares and bathing with him. Kisaki didn't like it and tried everything to get takemichi to spend time with him again, but takemichi completely shut him off.

He locked himself in his room and refused to talk to kisaki ever again. One day, 14 year old kisaki saw takemichi playing soccer with his friends through the window. He then noticed that takemichi had bleached his hair blonde, Kisaki thought that if he did the same thing then takemichi will like him again.

One evening takemchi was watching tv when kisaki appeared out of nowhere. "Michi look, i bleached my hair just like you did. Do you like it?" Kisaki asked nervously while blushing a little, while takemichi just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it looks great on you Kisaki." he said as he went upstairs to his room.

From then on, Kisaki hardly ever saw takemichi ever again. Even while living under the same roof. Kisaki stopped trying to get his older brother's attention, but he was still sadden that takemichi was ignoring him and spending less time with him.

Things got a huge turn when their parents moved to Paris because of business. Kisaki grew lonelier and found himself joining a gang to kill his time and boredom, and he went back to trying to get takemichi to talk to him. But takemichi wouldn't budge and still chose to ignore him.


593 words

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