The first meeting

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I am gonna refer to my karmic as "M" and myself as "I" or "Tonmo".

I crossed paths with M during our annual exams and we were arranged to sit next to each other in the same bench. Along with us, there was a girl who sat with us. She was a year younger than me and three years younger than M, who sat in the corner by the wall and beside me.

We were giving an exam. When the teacher instructed us to bring our bags into the classroom after our exam ended, I finally got to see M's face. Our eyes met, and I was taken aback. It dawned on me that I was physically attracted to him, and I wasn't attracted to anyone who sat next to me during exams before. And he looked very familiar to me and I was thinking that I saw his eyes before although I knew I didn't ever saw him before. (It's because of the karmic connection we have).

After getting my bag I returned to my seat. And I saw him sitting (as he was in the corner from where I had to enter), I asked him to move aside. He shifted slightly to accommodate me, but I was left feeling embarrassed because I had to awkwardly pass between his legs as there wasn't any space to get to my seat from behind. Then, I asked him to move a bit more, and he responded with a smile before looking away. He often used to wear a black mask during exams.

The next day, I was determined not to pass by in the same awkward manner, so I attempted to squeeze through a gap behind our bench. However, it turned out to be too small for me. I muttered, "There's not enough space for me to pass through." Surprisingly, M heard me. He stood up and pulled the bench, widening the gap. It was a kind gesture, and I couldn't help but smile, thinking what a gentleman he was. During my social science exam, as I was sketching, I noticed M sneak a peek at my drawing.

During our English exam, we had Thapa sir as our invigilator. When he called out "Tonmo Saikia," which is actually my name with M's surname, I was taken aback. Confused, I replied, "Yes," and the whole class heard it. M after hearing it laughed and jokingly said "Tonmo." (But not to me but he said it while looking at a different direction from me). There's another guy in M's grade with a name similar to mine. I got embarassed and shy about the whole incident and I couldn't stop smiling cause when I get shy I just couldn't stop smiling. I glanced over at the girl beside me, pretending to admire her drawing and I showed as if I am smiling because of it, but I noticed M looking in my direction through the window, catching me smiling lol.

M's exams finished the day before our second last exam (27.02.23), but I only found out after my dad mentioned it to me once our second last exam ended. During school, a school nun asked for my name and she told me to write in cursive handwriting. Initially, I didn't hear her, so I responded with a confused "huh!?" M mimicked me, saying "huh," and chuckled. Feeling irritated, I almost shot him a glare, but he was looking elsewhere. Later, when I went to the school staff with my dad, prompted by a call from a school staff member, I noticed him with his friends and made eye contact with M.

Karmic exam benchmateWhere stories live. Discover now