Part-7 (last)

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• Dec 11•

Few days after their tuition: (M's friends Pollob, introverted guy, Romon was still taking tuition even after they had their farewell)

As I walked into tuition today I saw Pollob, the friend of M from our school, was there too. And then later the introverted guy from M's class joined Pollob.

I settled on the second-to-last bench with my friends Urmila, Monikha, and Fransia, while they sat behind us. Amidst our random studying, Pollob suddenly turned to Sumit and asked if Naga (M's classmate teasingly call him Naga) had shown up at school that day. Then suddenly a girl entered the room and, I leaned over to Urmila and whispered, "Who's that?" Little did I know, their attention had turned towards me, probably thinking I was asking about Mriganka but I was actually asking about the girl, who had just entered the class at that moment.

On April he then came with his friends to school as he had passed matric exam and he got first division with letters in few subjects and he was standing on the assembly ground with his friends and we made few eye contacts but then our classes started and he went back to his home so we had a very small encounter and that was our last encounter. But the last time I looked at him in his eyes I felt that I wasn't drawn to his eyes like before and it just felt like normal eye contact with someone and I wasn't being very physically attracted to him like gravitating towards him like before and I realised that it's because our karmic connection had ended and we met after 4 months of not seeing each other at all. I knew that our karmic connection had ended when few days before this encounter I saw a dream where I saw that I was sitting in a classroom and he entered but when I looked into his eyes I didn't felt drawn towards him and I wasn't feeling any intense attraction towards him and I thought that maybe it's because our karmic connection ended while I was still dreaming.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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