Epilogue 1: The Stalking Boyfriend

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"Target is clear... you will walk into the place and be as hidden as you can be from his eyes... Ok?" Taehyung hears through his earphones.

"Ok" He whispers uncertain. He was not willing to do it but he has to...

He opens the door of the entrance and looks right and left carefully.

Great... he's not here...

Adjusting his cap one more time to hide his face, he walks to the table at the far corner of the room with light steps and takes a seat.

"Taehyung-shi?" He immediately looks up at the mention of his name...


"What are you doing here at this time of the day? Shouldn't you be at your studio?" Soobin asks and Taehyung widens his eyes.

"Ah y-yeah... But I was not feeling well... So I thought why not come here?" He nods to himself internally praying that the other would buy his lie.

"What happened? Should I call Jin hyung? He might be in the kitchen right now..." Soobin already turns to walk to the kitchen of Jin's café, which was now bigger and at a new place in Seoul. Taehyung immediately takes his hand and stops him.

"Um... There's no need... I- I don't want to disturb him you know ... I will be grateful if you don't tell anyoneee about me being here. Please..." Soobin furrows his eyes a bit before nodding. He really respected and looked up to Taehyung as his senior.

"So should I bring you anything?" He asks.

"Yeah... Hot choco will be fine... And don't tell anyone please..."

Soobin nods with a small smile and walks to bring Taehyung's order. Taehyung takes a sigh of relief and puts his head down.

"Is he gone now?" He hears Jimin say in the earpiece.

"Yeah... Why are you making me do this Jiminie? I mean there can be other way..." He whispers rubbing his head.

"No no Taehyungie... there's no other way than keeping a subtle eye on your partner when so many beautiful people want to get married to him..."

"But I trust Gukkie... with my whole heart"

"I know Taehyungie. We all trust him... But the world is cruel... Didn't you hear when Jeongguk's secretary said that that Sara is meeting Jeongguk personally? What if she has something on her mind? What if she kidnaps our poor Jeongguk and then marry him in unconsciousness? What if she drugs him and then-"

"Ok ok I got it... But this is the first and the last time we are doing this..."

Sara was the co-owner of a big Jewelry brand with which Jeongguk's company had made a deal... She was beautiful and got along with Jeongguk well after several meetings. It was not like Taehyung was insecure of her but after Jeongguk's family company flourished as he entered the business and became a famous CEO in Korea, he was like everyone's dream man to get married. 

So many people have openly shared their adoration for the latter but Jeongguk never let anyone come near him. Not even a single soul... But when he arranged a meeting with Sara kind of secretly, it bothered Taehyung a lot. I mean it was secret only right, when Jeongguk told his secretary to not tell anyone about this meeting, even Taehyung. But thanks to Jimin and his charms that they got to know about it.

Yes. Taehyung admits that he is jealous... In fact very jealous... They loved each other but Jeongguk was naturally so attractive that even Taehyung falls in love with him all over again when the other smiles at him. That's why he didn't see any problem in protecting his boyfriend from the world full of people wanting his man.

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