🚵Chapter 3🚵

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The next day, Ricky had woke up with sore limbs. His body hurted like hell.

"ahh, I'm tired.." Ricky groaned into his pillow.

He wanted to get up and do a little shopping but his body was pulling him back to the bed..

He then drink a glass of water and rubbed his body with some tiger balm and had a warm bath..
His body felt much better now..

He then wore a black shirt, a black skinny and boots. He barely styled his hair and put on some moisturiser and sunscreen..

'I'll be back' he said to particularly no one and head off to the mall.

He wasn't the one to plan stuff.. (he's a P) So, he just entered Gucci and bought whatever caught his eye..

After spending about 1000 dollars, he left to buy some of his favorite snacks and again spend a lot.. Like actually a lot.. About 2 packets of snacks..

He was on his way back when Chen called him.. He made sure to park it near the walkway and answered it..

"What's up?"

"Ricky.. I-uh Xiao called me.."

Ricky hummed.

"so, he.. he told me he's in the hospital.."

"huh? He's in the hospital!" Ricky gasped.

"yeah.. So, should we go see him?" Chen asked.

"sure. Traitor or not, he's still our friend.." Ricky said and Xiao agreed.

He then raced his car, to his home and snacked on his strawberry gummies.

Chen would come in about 15 minutes, so by the time could chill..
That's when his jie came in..

(so, jie means sister in Chinese.)

" Ricky.. I think I left my boots here.." she barged in his house and Ricky rolled his eyes.

"not even worried about me.." he glared at her.

She entered his room and took her boots and came out..

"ohh.. So many snacks.. Ate you hosting a party or what?" she eyed him.

"oh yeah.. Forgot to tell you.. Im going to seoul tomorrow.."

As soon as he finished his sister screamed..

"SEOUL..?! Take me with you.. Ohh, did mom allow?" her mood swings 🤦

"Uhh no.. I'm going to.." Ricky scratched his neck..

"when are you going to tell her, dumbass? When you reach seoul?" she was being sarcastic.

"I'm calling..." he whined as he called her, putting it in speaker.

"mom, I'm going to seoul tomorrow" Ricky spoke and the other line was silent..

His sister let out a laugh..

"mom..?" he raised an eyebrow.

"hmm.. I know.." she said and he smiled.

"so..?" he continued.

"so what? You're a grown man Ricky.. Do whatever you think is right.. And tell your sister to stop eating the snacks.." his mom chuckled.

"m-mom h-how..?" he nervously looked around.

"the camera next to the TV.." she said and bid her kids bye when Chen came in..

"What's with his atmosphere? Yall fought?" he eyed the two.

"the camera" his sister pointed and chens eyes followed the direction..
He then started posing in front of it, acting silly..

Ricky hit his forehead as he walked towards the boy..

"jie, were both going.. Are you staying here?"
His sister shook her head.

"nope. Just drop me off at the subway station.." she said and Chen nodded..

As they started the car, his Jie chuckled..

"how lame. Yall grown ass men listen to these songs..? I'm older than you both, but still have a good taste in music.."

She kept on changing the music putting different songs..

"yeah I can see that by the way you're changing the music every 5 seconds" he teased and she pulled his hair.

"shut up and drop me off here.." she said..

"bye boys. And Ricky, send me pics" she giggled as she walked away.

"is she having mood swings?" Chen asked blinking his eyes in disgust.

"yeah, I guess so" he said as they went to the hospital..

(timeskip to when they enter Xiao's room)

Xiao looked surprised seeing the two.

"oh hey" he said as he tried to sit..

"hey.. How do you feel now?" Chen asked when Ricky stared at him.

"much better.." he said as he sighed.

"how did you end up like this?" Ricky asked..

"that day after the match, I got into a fight with my brother.. So, things got out of hand I guess.." he said and Ricky internally cursed him..

"ohh, but you guys seemed very close that day" Ricky spoke venom laced in his voice..

Xiao's eyes widened.. Does Ricky know? He thought..

"anyways, take care.." Ricky said as the guy nodded..

"don't you have a race tomorrow?" Xiao asked and Ricky nodded..

"all the best, even thought you won't be able to ..." Xiao had mumbled the last part which the boys couldn't hear..

"we'll, get going then.. Bye" Chen said as he pulled Ricky towards their car.

"he was acting strange.." Chen said and Ricky nodded..

"I noticed it too.." Ricky said and Chen had dropped the boy off..

He then laid down on the couch and watched some movie.. And it was already night time..

He was going to take a bath and go to sleep when he got a call..

"Ricky.. I'm sorry.. Your flight has been cancelled.." the director said and Ricky's eyes widened..

"huh?!" he let out a gasp..


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