🚵Chapter 6🚵

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'Cat like feline eyes.. A long face.. Intimidating eyes.. Just his type..'
He thought as he started deeply into the guy's eyes.

He held onto the guy's hand and stood up.

The guy then bowed and was about to walk away when jiwoong called him.

"excuse me..?" The guy turned to look at him confused.

"do you know where's the washroom?" he asked and the guy came closer and let out a sigh.

"ahh, I was searching for it too.." he said and jiwoong smiled.

"aren't you Korean? I thought you would know.." jiwoong said but the guy shook his head.

"I'm a rider from China and I'm equally as confused.." he said awkwardly.

"Let's find it together then?" jiwoong asked as he smiled and the guy nodded.

As they were walking, jiwoong bombarded him with questions..

"so you're a rider?" he asked and the guy nodded.

"yeah. I have a match tomorrow so that's why I'm here.." he said and jiwoongs eyes widened.

"wow, I'll be cheering you on tomorrow.." he said brightly smiling at the guy.

"but what are you doing here?" from the way he spoke jiwoong could make out that this guy was an introvert.

"oh, I'm here to watch the practice with my friends. If you ever feel stressed during the match, just look at my face in the audience.." he flirted because why not.
(jiwoong is a romantic and flirty person no matter how squishy he looks..)

"ahh yes" Ricky let out not knowing what to reply..

They were surprised to find themselves in front of the washroom and laughed.

Ricky had entered one of the cubicle while jiwoong was washing his face and was applying sunscreen when Ricky came out..

"oh, what's that?" he asked and jiwoongs eyes widened.

"uh this? It's a sunscreen dummy.." he said and ricky let out an oh..

"ah, it's not like I don't know what a sunscreen is.. it just looks like a drink.." Ricky said waving his hands..

"ahh, I get it.. Do you want some.. It's strawberry flavoured.." jiwoong asked.

"oh, thankyou.." he bowed again and jiwoong laughed at the formality..

When they were done getting ready (ahem..flirting) they decided to ready out as jiwoongs friends were bombarding their chats with concerns for jiwoong.

"I-uh, forgot to ask what's your name.." Ricky asked.

"oh, I'm jiwoong and you?"

"I'm Ricky.." he said going in for a handshake.

"I'll get going first then.." Ricky said and as he was about to turn, a man came from inside whining..

"stop standing in the entrance!" he said and accidentally pushed jiwoong causing him to fall forward towards Ricky.

"ahh!" he let out and closed his eyes but thankfully Ricky catched him..

"jiwoong, I'm about to fall!" he let out and jiwoong opened his eyes stabilising the both....

"I'll see you around then.. Bye" Ricky said scratching his neck nervously and jiwoong hummed.

"bye Ricky.. I'll be cheering for you.." he said and jiwoong and ran fast towards the audience seat seeing his friends worriedly looking at him..

"oh, I thought he got mobbed on the way.." gyuvin teased and hanbin shushed him.

"hyung.. Why are you blushing?" hanbin asked and jiwoong touched his face.

'am I blushing? ' he thought to himself but sat down and ignored the others..

"hyung! We were betting on who will win.. Heres the candidate list.. You can choose whom you like.." hanbin said as he handed over the paper.

His eyes landed on Ricky. No one had voted for him. They're missing a talent.
Most of the guys voted for hyunmin but since he was the most familiar one while he went for ricky..

" uh, shen quanrui? Did he stand out to you?" hao asked and jiwoong nodded.

"I thought you would vote for him since he's chinese.." jiwoong said but hao shrugged..

"I wanted to vote for him, but hanbinnie wanted me to vote for his friend.." hao said as he pouted and hanbin eyed him.

"I'm sure Ricky would win.." jiwoong mumbled and hao who heard his let out.

"Ricky? Is it shen quanrui? Do you know him?" hao asked but jiwoong shook his head..

"just a gut feeling.." he said as he turned to observe the players and soon enough Ricky had come out..

... TBC..

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