her birthday

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» happiest birthday to our amazing minji :)

"Hey, are you recording?"



"It's starting."

I'm recording for Minji's birthday surprise which was planned by the other members. All of us are hiding in her bedroom. Minji hasn't been home since the morning due to her solo schedule, and the members, especially Danielle, are buzzing with excitement about the surprise.

Hanni whispers, "I can't believe she hasn't suspected anything yet. She's usually so observant."

Danielle chimes in, "I know, right? We've been planning this for weeks. She's going to be so surprised!"

Haerin giggles, "I just hope she likes the cake we got her. I know she's a bit picky."

Hyein adds, "And don't forget the gifts! We all chipped in to get her something special."

As we hear the sound of footsteps outside the door, everyone quickly hides behind the bed and curtains, trying to contain their giggles and excitement.

The door opens, and Minji walks in, looking tired but happy. She's completely unaware of the surprise waiting for her in her own bedroom.

In the dim light, I make sure to keep the camera steady, adjusting to the darkness to capture every moment of this surprise.

As Minji flicks on the bedroom light, the room instantly illuminates, revealing the hidden figures of her group members.

"Happy Birthday!" They all shout in unison.

Minji's eyes widened in shock, her hands frozen mid-air from where she was about to remove her jacket. The surprise is so unexpected that she seems completely taken aback.

Slowly, I emerge from my hiding spot, carefully approaching Minji to capture her genuine reaction up close. The camera focuses on her face, capturing the raw emotion and surprise that makes birthdays like these truly special.

As I approach Minji to capture her reaction up close, she becomes visibly shy and overwhelmed by the attention. With a bashful smile, she hides her face behind her hands, trying to shield herself from the camera's gaze.

Hanni chuckles and teases, "Come on, Minji! Don't be shy."

Danielle adds, "Yeah, Minji, we planned all of this just for you. Show us that pretty face!"

Despite her shyness, Minji's eyes sparkle with gratitude and happiness. The room is filled with laughter and teasing as the group members playfully encourage her to show her face and enjoy her special day.

Hyein, trying to lighten the mood, says, "Minji, look at the cake!"

As the group members part to reveal the bear-shaped cake on the table, Minji's eyes widen in surprise. A delighted squeal escapes her lips, echoing throughout the room.

"Omo! A bear-shaped cake!" Minji exclaims, her representative emoticon shining brightly in her eyes.

The room fills with laughter and cheers as Minji rushes over to get a closer look at the cake. Her excitement is infectious, and everyone can't help but smile at her genuine reaction.

"Isn't it adorable?" Danielle asks with a grin.

Haerin chimes in, "We knew you'd love it!"

Hyein playfully nudges Minji, "See? We told you we got you something special!"

I capture Minji's delighted expression as she admires the bear-shaped cake, her representative emoticon clearly reflecting her joy and happiness.

I quickly turn off the camera, setting it down to capture a still photo of this precious moment.

"Alright! Let's take a picture," I announce, pulling out my phone to snap a group photo.

Everyone gathers around the bear-shaped cake, their smiles bright and eyes sparkling with joy. Minji stands in the center, still beaming from her surprise. The group members huddle close, arms wrapped around each other.

"Say cheese!" I exclaim, and the room erupts in cheerful laughter and playful poses as the camera shutter clicks, capturing this special birthday celebration forever.

After taking a few photos to capture the joyful moment, I picked up the camera again, ready to continue recording.

"Shall we cut the cake?" I ask, directing everyone's attention to the bear-shaped masterpiece in front of us.

Minji nods enthusiastically, her shyness from earlier completely forgotten in her excitement. "Yes, let's do it!"

Haerin grabs a knife from the table, and Danielle quickly hands out plates and forks. Hanni and Hyein gather around, ready to help with the cake cutting ceremony.

"Alright, Minji, since it's your special day, you get to make the first cut," Haerin says with a smile.

Minji carefully takes the knife from Haerin, her hands slightly trembling from excitement. With a deep breath, she makes the first cut into the cake, revealing its delicious layers and causing everyone to cheer and clap in delight.

As the members busily enjoy their slices of cake, laughing and chatting amongst themselves, I seize the opportunity to focus the camera on Minji.

"Hey Minji, do you have anything you'd like to say on your special day?" I ask, prompting her to share her thoughts.

Minji takes a moment to gather her thoughts, her eyes filled with gratitude and emotion. "I just want to say thank you," she begins, her voice soft and sincere. "Thank you to my amazing group members for this incredible surprise. I feel so loved and grateful to have you all in my life."

She glances around the room, meeting each member's eyes with a heartfelt smile. "You all mean the world to me, and I couldn't ask for a better group of friends and teammates. I'm truly blessed. That's all, I think. Thank you again."

"And... End," I announce softly, stopping the recording with a satisfied smile before setting the camera aside.

As I set the camera aside, Minji's playful voice breaks through the chatter, "Don't you want to wish me a happy birthday?"

I chuckle, "I already did earlier," I replied with a teasing grin.

Minji pouts slightly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "You didn't say it directly to me," she points out, playfully crossing her arms.

"Alright, alright," I say, "Happy Birthday, Minji! I hope your day is as special and wonderful as you are."

Minji's face lights up with a bright smile. "Thank you!"

I chuckled. "Well, I have a present for you," I announce. "Join the others first, I'll get it from my car."

Curious and eager, Minji nods and rejoins the group, "Okay, I can't wait!" she exclaims.

I retrieve the present from the backseat, a special gift I've chosen for Minji to show my appreciation and gratitude for her.

With the present in hand, I make my way back to the group, ready to surprise Minji once again and make her birthday celebration even more memorable.

"Here," I say, handing Minji a large paper bag with a smile.

Curiously, Minji takes the bag, her eyes widening in excitement. "Open it," I encourage, watching her closely.

Minji carefully opens the bag, peeking inside. As she catches sight of the teddy bear nestled within, her eyes light up, and she lets out another delighted squeal.

"A teddy bear!" Minji exclaims, pulling the soft toy out of the bag to get a closer look.

"It's so cute!" Danielle comments.

Minji hugs the teddy bear tightly, her smile wide and genuine. "Thank you so much," she says, looking at me with gratitude and warmth. "I love it!"

I smile, "Sure. Happy birthday, Kim Minji."

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