Party Drama

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TW: mentions of alcohol and sa

Zea's POV
I'm getting ready to go golfing with everyone. Cat and Moyo are at my house getting ready. All of us haven't been to mini golf together in ages. We were all so excited. I put on some greenish cargos, a white crop top and an oversized zip up jumper. I hadn't told anyone about the kiss yet. Not even cat. Mainly because Moyo was here. It's not that i didn't trust him it's just i didn't know if i was ready to tell people yet. I usually tell Cat everything though to it felt weird trying to keep it a secret.

I hold up two pairs of shoes. White air forces and blue jordan's. "Pick one" I say holding them up to Moyo and Cat. "Air forces go better with the outfit." Moyo says while putting on his shoes. "i totally agree" Cat says also putting her shoes on.

"You guys ready to go yet!?" Leo shouts to us from downstairs. "The triplets said they are already nearly there hurry up!?" He yells getting frustrated. "We are coming hold up!" I yell back. We all rush down the stairs and i grab my phone. "Bye mom!"
"Bye guys have a good time!"

We leave and i get into the passenger seat and Cat and Moyo get in the back. Leo's sets up the satnav and drives off. "Can i connect to the aux?"
"sure hold up" leo reaches down the side of his door and grabs the wire. "Thanks" i plug into the aux and play mine and Leo's joint playlist.

We get to top golf after about 15 mins. We park next to the triplets car and go inside. We see them waiting for us before they went in. We all went in together. "Hello! Do you have a booking?" The lady at the front counter says. "Uh yes we do. The name is Matt" Matt walks infront of her. "Alright make your way though" She says with a smile. "Thank you" we all say.

We go in and we all take our turns golfing. It came to my turn and i started laughing nervously since i knew i wasn't good at this. "dude i forgot how to golf" i say chuckling. "How can you forget how to golf?" Chris says making fun of me. "idk! i'm probably gonna miss the ball"
"omg hold up" chris says as he walks over. He comes up behind me, puts his hands on my waist and moves me to where i need to stand. I didn't know what to say so i just giggled awkwardly. We hadn't spoke since the kiss so this was the first interaction.

He moves his hands from my waist to on top of my hands. "line up with the ball, swing back and hit it as hard as you can. Alright go for it" He says in a low voice as his head is right next to mine. He lets go after lining me up with the ball. He steps back as i swing back, and hit the ball. It doesn't go that far but at leave i hit it. "ayyyy good job!" chris says as he puts up his hand. I high five him and go sit back down.

Leo and Nick are staring at us. "what?"
"what was that about?" nick asks with his eyebrow raised. "nothing?" i say confused.
"whatever love birds" leo says with a smirk. I just ignore them and i don't look at chris as it was awkward because of what they just said.

It gets to chris' turn and he steps up. "This is how it's done." he says to everyone but winks at me. He runs up to the ball and whacked it. It went flying. "oh dayumm" Cat says, "woah" a dad yells from somewhere giving chris a thumbs up. As matt walks past chris to take his turn, chris turns to make sure nobody's looking. He grabs my chin and pulls his next to my ear. "are you falling, Zealia?" he whispers in my ear. I can hear the smirk in his voice. I roll my eyes and don't even look at him. Not because i'm mad, but because i don't want him to see my flustered face.

The rest of the activity goes well. Everyone has fun and had a laugh. We ordered some drinks and food. The activity finished at around 3. We were all walking back to our cars as i was thinking. "We should throw a party." I stop and say. "What?" Leo also stops and turns to me.
"yeah! we totally should! My parents aren't home tonight. They were putting leo in charge of me which I don't need. But come on it will be fun!"
I get shocked looks for everyone. "what? is it so hard to believe i can throw a party?" I ask when nobody answers. "no it's just so out of the blue" Moyo says. "i say we should if leo agrees to it" Cat says since she knows he's in charge. "uhmm i guess so. Message everyone telling them to come tonight." Leo says a bit hesitant. "yayyy thanks!" i say giving him a hug.

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