39 | father of the year

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"We found him," Kylo announces

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"We found him," Kylo announces. A breath of relief leaves my lips. This is why he called a meeting.

Ivory looks at me with a small, reassuring smile. Where would I be without her?

"He is currently staying at a casino in Las Vegas," Elio adds. Good for nothing fucking father he is.

"I'll go in and poison his drink. Then when he passes out, Kylo and Isiah dress as guards and carry him out like he's a drunk customer. We get him into a car in the back alley, and boom," Ivory says with a proud grin.

"No," Elio and I say at the same time and she gives us a scoff. "What the fuck, Ivory? He knows you, he will recognise you, and boom, you're dead," I explain.

"Don't be silly," she crosses her arms, "obviously I'm going to wear some type of disguise."

"To be fair, it is a good plan," Kylo speaks up. "Thank you, blondie," she grins at him and I notice that he smiles back.

A few days ago, when I woke up, we had a talk. Ever since then, he knows to come to me instead of dealing with it himself. We talk over a couple of drinks and it makes him feel better. I have offered to get him a therapist and he's thinking about it. But at least he's back to smiling.

"Elio and Riley will be back in around an hour, why can't Riley take your place?" Elio suggests. "Giovanni doesn't know her at all and he won't recognise her, it's safer for everyone."

"C'mon, I've done this for so long: slipping poison into people's drinks without them realising and distracting them. I'm good at this," she argues.

"Okay," I finally agree. "Isiah can't be the bodyguard with Kylo though, we need him on surveillance. It's best we use Riley. Elio and I will be inside the casino just in case something happens."

"We have to leave right now," Elio states. "We don't know when he will move and we can't lose him."

"Tell Isiah and Riley to meet us at the airstrip," Kylo tells Elio and he nods. "As soon as they arrive, we're off."

"Armour up and bring your disguises," I tell them and they all nod. "And Ivory... how are we supposed to get your lil poison?"

"Lil?" she furrows her brows. "Might be small but it's for sure deadly. And don't worry, I got it, princess," she teases.

"Alright, wheels up in 45. Don't be late," I inform them before they all leave. All except Ivory.

"You sure you're up for this?" she asks, putting her hand over mine. I nod my head in reply. I need this. I've been waiting for this.

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