5: Teenagers

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The rest of the car journey was silent now pulled up the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital.


Amara was sat in an exam room waiting for Dr Jo Wilson who would be doing her exam.

"Sorry for the wait had a labouring mother" Jo said as she walked through the door carefully shutting it behind her.

"It's okay Jo I know how it is" Carina chuckled.

"Hi Amara, I'm guessing your moms have already told you how this goes, but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask" Jo said smiling at the teenager.

Amara nodded anxiously, this was intimidating for her she was barely even 16 yet and she was sitting in front of three adults that know knew she was no longer a virgin, which she lost at 14.

"You do have all the symptoms of gonorrhoea, but I would like a urine sample just to test for anything else" Jo said to the teenager handing her a sample cup.

"Anything else?" The teenager questioned.

"Mhm we just have to test to make sure you don't have any other STDs, or UTIs even pregnancy" Jo said with a calm tone.

"Right" Amara said gulping she felt a lump form in the back of her throat, the topic of pregnancy or anything relating to sex...made her anxious.

"Just take your time" Jo said with a warm smile as the teenager headed towards the bathroom in the exam room.


"Jo" Carina called out as Jo was waiting for the teenager.

"Yes Carina?" Jo smiled.

"Can you please give Amara a full exam, I just want to be on the safe side" Carina said, even though she always argued that sex was a beautiful and natural thing the idea of her teenager daughter having sex and it being unprotected worried her, from her job she knew the risks of unsafe sex.

"Of course I can and if there is anything else you want me to help with I can" Jo said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, would you be okay to help me and Maya give Amara a talk on safe sex, risks and more" Carina said.

"Of course I can" Jo smiled.


The teenager walked out of the bathroom with the sample cup of urine in her hand.

"Thankyou Amara I will get an intern to run this to the lab immediately" Jo said with a smile as she signalled for an intern.

"Can we go home now?" The teenager asked her moms

"Bambina I want Jo to give you an exam just for extra precautions and we need to talk to you afterwards" Carina explained to her teenager.

"Right" Amara sighed

"If you would just like to change into this gown please" Jo said passing the teenager a hospital gown.

Amara looked at it with disgust, picking it up as if it was a diaper holding it by just a pinch.

"Are you joking this thing is hideous I can't be seen wearing that" Amara scoffed.

"Amara just do as your told" Maya said firmly.

"Right I'll just have to make it work" Amara sighed heading into the bathroom.

The teenager rolled up the hospital gown making it short she then wrapped the hospital gown to make it fitting and tying it off in the back with the strings and some hair bobbles.

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