6: Purging

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"I will tell someone when I'm ready" Amara sighed, but this wasn't the case she planned to keep it a secret just to make her sister stop pestering her, it was just a period after all and period cramps are normal and heavy periods too.


Adelina's appointment had soon came around, this appointment would decide if she would be placed on a meal plan.

The teenager was nervous about this, the teenager had been secretly purging, meaning she had relapsed. Sure she was eating food, but that was just to please her family, the teenager had been taking every opportunity to purge or burn off each calorie.

The teenager threw on her favourite sweater, it was starting to become colder in Seattle so hiding her flat body was much easier these time of years.

The teenager threw on her favourite sweater, it was starting to become colder in Seattle so hiding her flat body was much easier these time of years

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"Adelina we have to go" Maya called out.

"Is Mamma coming?" The teen asked her Mom.

"She's at work and your sister is at the station probably being spoiled by your aunts and uncles" Maya chuckled

"Can we go see her after the appointment" Adelina asked her Mom.

"Sure if she's not busy" Maya smiled at her teenager as they headed towards the car.


At the station Amara was hanging with her uncles and aunties.

"Hey Mija" Andy smiled at her niece.

"Tia Andy!" The teen said excited to see her aunt Andy.

"How are you munchkin?" Andy asked the teenager.

"I'm okay" Amara smiled back.

"If you need anything you can ask me, now where is my hug?" Andy asked and the teenager embraced her Tia's soft cuddles.

"MarMar where is mine?" Vic chuckled with jealousy over not receiving her hugs from the teenager.

"Right" Amara chuckled pulling her Aunt Vic into a warm hug.

"Yo! short-stack!" Jack bellowed as he walked into the beanery, he ruffled the teenagers hair which she hated.

"Not the hair it took hours to straighten!" Amara said frustratingly as she smoothed out her hair.

"Mija you have the most beautiful curls stop straightening it!" Andy chuckled.

The teen shrugged her shoulders, she preferred her hair straight even though her hair was practically dead from the amount of times she straightened it per day.

"I won't straighten it tomorrow just for you" The teenager rolled her eyes.

Andy let out a small chuckle and shook her head.

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