Chapter 6 Part 11 The South Korean Samurai Part 1

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Jamie POV:

I had found himself amongst swords everywhere he looked. The full moon and stars in the open sky played their part in illuminating the swords to cast a light on his path. My luck was a lamp at my feet and a light on my dark path.

The silence was not my friend because my mind started to play tricks on me. The sound of an owl made me grab onto the nearest sword I could find, but it did not budge. It felt as if someone had cast it in concrete. ''Why did we have to split up?'' I said to myself softly.

It was an unfamiliar place accompanied by unfamiliar sounds. I had no choice but to continue down the path and face my fears once and for all. There was no way I would enter university scared of being bullied. Whatever you fear is bound to happen, best to cast it out.

I prepared for this trip and university by starting to gym in my house and the muscles in my arms and legs were evident, but I lacked the muscle of courage. The problem was not just with bullies but with girls, too. My ear-length black hair and smokey brown eyes only brought more unwanted attention.

The sound of an owl still circled me, and I added some pace. Far off in the distance, there was shouting and light. Welcome to the Temple of the Samurai. Written in Korean, greeted me. Statues of samurai fighting techniques were on display and an enormous door opened with the shouting even louder.

The place fell silent, while it brimmed with students dressed in blue samurai-like attire. Only one person had red attire on. It was none other than Jin. Everyone bowed at his command.

"Jin, how did you get here so quickly?" I inquired. "I took a shortcut, and I must be faster than you," Jin replied.

Everyone had come to learn about the art of the Samurai from Jin. He gave me an outfit, and I fitted it without question. It felt good on my body. They started with easy hand-to-hand combat skills, which I got pretty easily.

Although I had never fought in my life due to my inability to muster the courage.

Jin was fast, as he demonstrated with another student how to move in closer for the kill. The movement of everyone in sync accompanied by the force exerted portrayed the power of unity among humans.

The same uniform and attitude made me feel welcome. I should have learned martial arts a long time ago. I bet school would have been so much better.

''Okay everyone, get yourself a partner for the next exercise," Jin shouted. He signaled for me to go to him. "Come at me with all you got," he said.

I launched at him with a surprise attack, but a kick in the gut had me calling for air time. Everyone laughed, a stark reminder of my past. I got up while he kept mumbling things to me. "Get up and fight me," he shouted. We continued to twist and turn around each other, everyone became an audience. The past had a way of revisiting my present, but this time I was better prepared after taking on some private classes.

A bit slower than him, though, got in a few punches and received another knockdown. Tried to get in too close.

While I gasped for air, the teacher dismissed the class for dinner.

"No! I'm not finished yet," I exclaimed.

"Tomorrow at sunrise," Jin answered.

I could still feel the pain in my abdomen, but getting up felt much better. While I was on my way to the dinner table, some of the other students bowed as I passed by them.

The food was exactly what my injured body part needed. Jin had made his way to my table and sat right in front of me, watching me eat. "You know the scars on my face are out of duty, but my job is to protect the one that bears the burden of the artifact and so will you," he whispered.

"There are many students here. Why me and how did you become a protector? I did not sign up anywhere," I said.

"Yes, there are different people here, but Seulgi only trusts one person here right now. I became a protector because of love," Jin responded.

Jin got up on the highest platform he could find to deliver a speech.

"I welcome each and everyone that has come from far and wide to enter the school of becoming a samurai. There is no greater pleasure than to sacrifice oneself for a worth cause. To become a samurai is no easy feat, but what you gain here, you can take anywhere in the world and its power will serve you well.

Look around you and see the different nationalities here. The samurai way is forever and you might ask yourself, isn't it a Japanese tradition? The answer lies in the principles set out, which I will teach you, along with the ability to fight in various ways.

Here, we will teach you seven principles. Above all else, loyalty is the helmet that will protect your head in battle. None of the principles will matter if you ignore this one. Loyalty forms the key to lasting friendships and serves as the shield in battle when your sword cuts through enemies.

You lose your head and your whole body will crumble," Jin delivered a speech met by chanting.

It got louder and louder until Jin silenced the room with his blade lifted in the air and suddenly an aura surged out of the blade like it had a soul. 

Everyone bowed at the tremendous power displayed but only one person named Jamie Lynx stood upright.

Behold before me stood the figure of a samurai made out of smoke. 

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