Chapter 15: Reconnecting

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    I was sitting on my bed with my laptop sitting on my crossed legs. I stared into a loading screen, waiting for my therapist Ryo's face to pop up on his camera for our call. Thanks to Toya I had joined this program where villains can start redeeming themselves by working with heroes for things that are needed, like transportation or therapist appointments. It wasn't my most favorite thing to do, but it helped, and Toya wanted what was best for me. Plus, Ryo wasn't that bad of a guy, anyways. Finally, his face popped up on my screen. 

   "Hey, Himiko!", he greeted. I waved. 

   "Hi, Ryo", I responded. 

   "So, last time we talked we discussed how you felt like you were a screw-up but are trying your hardest to make changes", Ryo summarized. I vividly remember that conversation like it was yesterday. It was before Toya had gotten sick...

   I nodded. "That's right", I responded.

   "Did you want to talk about anything related to that? How are you doing since we last talked? Anything new happen with this lockdown?", he asked. At that moment I started tearing up. 

   "Well, actually, yes", I said, tears falling down my cheeks. Ryo's eyebrows furrowed and he leaned in, listening intently. 

   "Tell me about it, Himiko. What's on your mind?", he inquired.  I clutched on to the teddy bear holding a heart that Toya managed to get for me on Valentine's Day. Paddington always helped me whenever I was in distress. I'm happy Toya gifted me with him. 

   "Toya got sick", I stated. Ryo gasped. 

   "I' sorry, dear. That's rough", he commented. I nodded in acknowledgement. 

   "He's been acting like a total zombie and he attacked my roommates and I the other day. He doesn't know how to talk at all and I've had to keep him in my basement a-and I feel like I'm entrapping a total animal!", I sobbed. Ryo nodded, humming in intrigue.

   "I'm so sorry that happened, Himiko. That sounds super stressful. How are you dealing with it?"

   I wanted to tell him that I had relapsed and devoured human meat just the night before, but wasn't sure that was the best idea. Though, I wanted to be completely honest with him. 

   "Well", I looked down at my bedsheets covered in skulls, "I haven't been dealing with it the best. I've barely been eating. I've been more focused on taking care of him and nursing him back to his normal self that I don't take time to look after myself". Ryo nodded, understanding and taking everything in.

   "That's completely understandable, Himiko. You want to ensure that he's nursed back to health and while that's a valid concern and I appreciate you trying your best, we always have to designate time to ourselves. Remember to schedule a time where you can take care of yourself after all of your daily tasks are finished", Ryo was expressive, using his hands while he spoke, "I understand you haven't been taking it the best, though. You guys are very close from what I know and he plays an important role in your life. Now he's suddenly reverted back to a child-like state where he needs a caregiver"

   "He doesn't know how to talk or anything. It's completely zombified him. What's your advice on how to do all this?", I added. Ryo rested his chin in his hand. 

   "Well, I do work at a school where there's teachers. I'd start by teaching him basic words and sentences or getting him to regain his memory", Ryo advised.

   "He's already started smiling at me and attacking me less", I commented with a smirk.

   "So your method's already working!", Ryo exclaimed. I acknowledged his comment with a smile and giggled. "Just keep doing what you're doing and keep trying to regain his memory and you should be fine. Just remember not to go out as much and to socially distance while you're at it", I rolled my eyes and laughed.

   "I know, Ryo. That's what I hear every day", I said.

   "Still, Himiko. I figured I'd let you know. Mind my language but this pandemic has already been a bitch", he said with a smile. I grinned, wiping my tears away.

   "Thanks, Ryo. I really appreciate the advice as always. You always manage to help out", I told him. 

   "Of course! Anything I can do to help", he replied. We scheduled a follow-up appointment for the next month and I closed out of Zoom and shut my laptop. I rubbed my eyes, sighing. I took his advice in for a moment, then decided to see what Toya had been up to. 


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