Chapter 18: The Discovery

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   My thoughts were actually articulate and made more sense in the past few days than just the feelings of hunger and thoughts of murder I had experienced, and for once I felt relieved that it was over. Physically I had started feeling better, too, though my throat was still slightly sore and my chest felt a little congested. No matter, though, I was in the best state I had been in months, and it was time I finally got the hell out of this damn basement. 
     I had finally had a good night's rest for the first time in months. No tossing and turning, no waking up in the middle of the night or having trouble falling asleep. It actually felt great and quite refreshing, I might add. I sat up in my bed, taking a moment to stretch my arms and yawn the biggest yawn I had in a long time. It felt rewarding. I made the bed and changed into a light brown Avril Lavigne shirt and a short black skirt, adding black webbed gloves and a chain to hang at the side of my skirt. I didn't even care who liked my outfits at this point, I felt cute and I like wearing them. I applied some mascara and light eyeliner, tucking my blonde hair into two loose and messy buns. I also added some Kandi bracelets that I made and a skull ring Toya had given to me on my right index finger. I looked in the long mirror that hung at the door and took a moment to admire how pretty I thought I looked. Behind me in my reflection, I noticed Toya's jewelery sitting on the nightstand beside the bed and I felt a sense of grief and longing. I smiled at myself, satisfied with the look, trying to change the feeling. I turned the knob and opened the door. I peered into the hallway, noticing the place was silent beside Atsuhiro and Kurogiri talking amongst themselves in the kitchen, their voices sounding distant and had echoed. I closed my bedroom door with a quiet click and made my way to the source of the sound. I peered around the kitchen entrance and noticed Kurogiri and Atsuhiro sitting across from each other at the round kitchen table by the window, talking over coffee. They turned at the sound of my gentle footsteps. I could see Atsuhiro's smile as he had his mask off, and I could better see his short brown hair since his tophat wasn't on his head like it always was. His eyes lidded from his huge grin as he saw me.
   "Morning, Toga! Coffee?", he invited me, gesturing towards his white mug. I nodded and smiled.
   "You're up early", Kurogiri commented as Atsuhiro got up to make me a cup of coffee at the kitchen counter. I smirked and chuckled, sitting myself between Kurogiri and Atsuhiro's seats. I scoffed, leaning forward on the seat and resting my head on my hand. I glanced at the clock above me. It read 7:30.
    "So are you", I laughed. Atsuhuro handed me my cup of coffee just how I liked it and smiled. Three cream and a little bit of sugar. What can I say? I like my coffee sweet. I sipped from it gingerly as I listened to Kurogiri and Atsuhiro talk.
    It had appeared no one was awake yet. I had made that conclusion when I came up the stairs and went to mine and Himiko's room. I was happy to hear her voice coming from the kitchen, along with Atsuhiro's and Kurogiri's. I smiled as I snuck into my bedroom, slipping into a black T-shirt with Black Dahlia Murder's band logo on it and black ripped jeans. I clipped on a chain to hand at the side of my pants and put on a couple skull and pentagram rings and bead bracelets. I checked myself out in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable enough for Himiko. I definitely needed to shower soon, though. I hadn't in a while. I tussled my spiky black hair and made my way out of the bedroom.
      Kurogiri and Atsuhiro were still talking while I rested my head on my arms, still a little tired. I had heard footsteps coming from the hallway and they sounded like they were approaching the kitchen. I perked my head up.
   "Who else would be up this early?", I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Atsuhiro's brows knitted together as he looked in the direction of the hall.
   "Yeah, no one here's known for getting up early", he muttered.
   "Probably Tomura finishing pulling an all-nighter gaming", Kurogiri suggested as he sipped from his coffee. I shrugged and drank from my mug.
   "True. He's so addicted to those video games", I commented, immediately dismissing my concern.
   "Morning, Himiko", a smooth voice greeted from behind me. I whipped my head around at the strange but oddly familiar sound of whoever was talking. I knew that voice all too well, and yet I hadn't heard it in so long even though I craved it for months.
   "Toya!", I exclaimed as I bolted from my chair into his arms. Toya wrapped me in his tight embrace, lowering his head down to smell my hair. He planted many small kisses on my head. I pulled back a little to look up at him, his bright blue eyes shining as he stared into mine. His smile was so wide his eyelids were nearly closed. I had never seen him even smirk this much, but it looked nice. It suited him. He kissed me deeply, holding onto the back of my head. Once our lips parted, I turned to look at Atsuhiro and Kurogiri, both paralyzed in shock.
   "T-Toya", Kurogiri stammered, "You're... "
    "Feeling better, I assume?", Atsuhiro asked with a chuckle. Toya let me go and placed a hand on my shoulder, gently rubbing it as he talked.
   "Much better, though my throat still hurts and I'm a little congested, but other than that I feel the best I have in months", he replied.
   "That's...amazing!", Kurogiri exclaimed, standing up to walk over and give Toya a hug. "It's good to have you back, Toya", Kurogiri whispered as soon as he wrapped his arms around him.
   "We definitely have to tell Chikazoku and everyone else about this!", I suggested, pulling my phone out of my skirt pocket and started texting our group chat.
   "We came as soon as we could", Hanabata said as he rushed in, followed by Chikazoku guiding an injured Yotsubashi into our home. Yotsubashi had new silver prosthetic legs he was still getting used to. I was happy he got the proper treatment despite his status. "What happened?", Hanabata asked worriedly, afraid we had an emergency.
    "Come see", I directed them, gesturing them to follow me into the kitchen. They hesitated, brows furrowed in confusion, but they followed anyway. Once we arrived in the kitchen, Toya approached us with his hands in his pockets. I gestured to him with a wide grin on my face.
    "Guys, Toya's ok!"

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