vol 1: Shattered Dreams

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 <3 In the quaint town of starsville🌟, where secrets whispered through the rustling leaves and dreams danced under the  majestical moonlight, there lived a boy named tadow. Tadow was a quiet soul with a heart full of stories and unspoken words. His world revolved around one person – a girl named 'emily'....          Emily was the embodiment of everything beautiful in Ethan's life. Her laughter was like the sweetest melody, and her eyes held the promise of a thousand tomorrows. But, alas, fate had drawn a different picture for tadow's heart.....                                     

<3 emily, oblivious to Tadow's affection, had fallen for another boy named Alex~. Alex was everything tadow  wasn't – confident, charismatic, and charming~<3. Every time tadow saw them together, his heart ached with an inexplicable longing!, a longing he knew would never be fulfilled. As days turned into weeks.. and weeks into months..., He knew that it could've turned into years!...Ethan watched from afar as emily and Alex's love blossomed like the flowers in the springtime. Each smile exchanged between them felt like a dagger piercing through tadow's soft heart.

<3 One fateful evening, tadow's heart could bear the weight of unrequited love no longer. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he made the painful decision to leave behind the echoes of his shattered dreams and seek love elsewhere.

<3 It was then that he stumbled upon Mia – a girl with eyes as deep as the ocean and a smile that could light up the darkest corners of his soul. Mia welcomed tadow into her world with open arms, unaware of the storm raging within him.

<3 As days turned into nights and nights into dawn, Tadow found peace~,love, worthiness!, in Mia's presence. Her laughter became his lullaby, and her gentle touch soothed the ache in his heart. With Mia, Tadow discovered a love he never knew existed – a love born from the ashes and the shards  of his broken dreams.

<3 But even amidst the comfort Mia provided, tadow couldn't shake off the memories of emily and the pain of unrequited love. He wondered if he would ever be able to love again without the haunting shadows of his past casting a pall over his heart.

<3    As time passed, Tadow realized that love wasn't about possessing someone's heart but rather about finding solace in the warmth of another's embrace. And though his heart still carried the scars of lost love, it also bore the promise of a new beginning – a beginning wrapped in the gentle embrace of Mia's love.

<3   And so, under the watchful gaze of the stars~, tadow embraced the bittersweet symphony of love – a melody composed of shattered dreams and newfound hope, with Mia by his side, guiding him through the darkest nights and into the dawn of a new day.~

           authors comments<3

   vol 2  coming on 3/24/24~

  will tadow  finally confess to mia? or will he crawl back to emily!?

but then... is he even straight?, and not gay..

time will tell soon enough let the stars roam the sky and fulfill others~

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