vol 2: Starsville's Secrets Unveiled...

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In the tranquil town of Starsville, Tadow's newfound love with Mia blossomed under the radiant glow of the stars. Yet, as the seasons shifted, unexpected twists would challenge the harmony they had found. 

Just as Tadow and Mia thought they had overcome the shadows of the past, Alex, Emily's former flame, returned to Starsville. His arrival stirred dormant emotions within Tadow, igniting insecurities and casting doubt on the solidity of his relationship with Mia. Tadow found himself haunted by memories of Emily and grappling with the fear of losing Mia to the allure of the past.

 Amidst the turmoil caused by Alex's return, a new face emerged in Starsville – Lucas, a charismatic artist with a magnetic presence. Drawn to Lucas's enigmatic charm, Tadow found himself entangled in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Lucas challenged Tadow's perceptions of love and identity, leading him to question the depth of his feelings for Mia and the authenticity of his desires.

 Just as Tadow's heart swayed between past and present loves, Emily's unexpected return to Starsville sent shockwaves through his world. Confronted by Emily's presence, Tadow was forced to confront the unresolved feelings that lingered beneath the surface. Despite his commitment to Mia, Tadow found himself drawn to the familiarity of Emily's embrace, reigniting a passionate yet tumultuous connection that threatened to unravel the fragile tapestry of his new life.

midst the chaos of conflicting emotions, Mia revealed a long-held secret that shattered Tadow's perception of their relationship. Mia had been harboring a profound struggle with her own identity, grappling with questions of sexuality and self-acceptance. As Mia embarked on a journey of self-discovery, Tadow was faced with the daunting task of supporting her through the darkness, even as it threatened to consume their love.

Tadow's unwavering commitment to Mia was put to the test as she navigated the turbulent waters of self-discovery. In the midst of Mia's identity crisis, Tadow found himself torn between his desire to stand by her side and the overwhelming weight of uncertainty that engulfed their relationship. Yet, amidst the chaos, Tadow clung to the flickering hope that love would prevail, guiding them through the darkest of nights and into the dawn of a new beginning.But was this the start? Wondering back the the past of a valley, where hearts layed broken waiting for aid, emily was spotted with regrets and tears thrown down each second. Tadow with his new-found love had desires still for emily.. as he could not comprehend  his situations...His life flashed before his eyes~ knowing that  he could confess to emily in her current state.. but he then thought about lucas! and his competing  sexualties he then thought he was asexual... but had feelings for all persons.

   Would tadow find his love?, will he be heartbroken yet again?. will he confess to emily.. or find out his deceiving  sexuality... all of this broke tadow, enduring the pain and suffering of these secrets within the ville 

author notes!

vol 3 may come on 3/29/24

is tadow gay or asexual?.. wil he get together with lucas? or be alone..

but then what about mia?~...  "sneak peak" mia then glanced upon emily's radiant skin.. looking into her emerald  green eyes.., a sensation  flowed deep into her chest at that moment."

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