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Knights hid behind shields, oak and iron had little protection against the flames. As they burned, some attached to their horses and some running from the battle, two others descended the sky.

Dragon upon Dragon, kin upon kin. The battle of Rooks Rest produced nothing more than a second sun, igniting the sky with dragon flame sparking off all three. Aemond upon Vhagar, Aegon on SunFyre and Rhaenys upon Meleys.

The Queen that never was made no attempt to flee, the thought never crossed her mind. Now a thousand feet above the lands, she charged at both her foes. The crack of her whip was heard by those who had stood their ground and watched.

Against Vhagar, she had a chance. After all, she was a vast war beast and did not care for tactics and such, only aiming to kill. Meleys was swifter, smaller and had a rider who was more experienced than the Rogue Prince. However, sunfyre was not expected and the doom she faced was almost certain.

Flames and smoke made it hard to observe the battle, none of the outsiders could see as the three dragons sparred for victory. The knights below watched as the sky filled with suns, for some, it would be the last thing they saw.

Shouts and roars filled the skies, dragons to dragons, men to men, warriors to warriors. It was certainly unclear who would be victorious, though many knew it would not be Rhaenys. Vhagar was restless now, roaring into the lands, Sunfyre not far behind as Meleys fought.

She was an incredible warrior, they watched as her scales reflected the light, red in all its glory. Aemond observed the rider, he was certain she knew she was going to die, she kept on fighting instead of getting herself and her dragon to safety. If they were not on opposite sides, he might've been impressed.

She was little match for Vhagar though, as she flapped herself through the sky, aiming at any and all. It was clear to Aemond that she had little care for whomever she hit, only needed to fill the need for blood, she never did obey him fully. For a war beast, she did whatever she pleased.

It all came to a head when Meleys had moved herself to Sunfyre, wrapping her jaws around the neck of the golden beast. It seemed she was about to feast on the dragons flesh, which could ultimately kill them both. She only needed one to fall to win the fight.

Vhagar slammed herself against both of the dragons, her large size plummeting all three toward the ground in a matter of seconds. It had been said that rocks from over half a league away fell when they impacted the earth. The dragons were out of control, completely unfazed by the commands of their riders as they spiralled down.

Knights around the three dragons were killed instantly, not even having a chance as they saw the magnificent beasts descent upon them. Perhaps they had already accepted their fate, or perhaps they tried to run. The ground was hit so hard that a small crater had been left where they landed.

Meleys and Rhaenys were dead, meleys had been torn to pieces upon the fall, left behind nothing fully but her head. Rhaenys was not even recognisable, she was complied to ash, led by her dragon. She had died a true dragon riders death, leaving amongst blood and fire. Mother, wife, daughter. Dead in a matter of moments.

Amongst the ash and smoke, one true dragon rose, like a phoenix Vhagar shook herself from the dirt and rocks that stuck themselves to her scales. Unharmed, her rider patted her gently and got off her saddle slow, he would not die getting off the beast . It seemed her revenge had satisfied her as she let out a victorious roar, possibly sending a sign to the other dragons around the realm.

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