Chapter 3

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Snooze again.

"Anna wake up!", her mum calls from downstairs.

Anna Brown yawns and gets up. A piercing pain in her head due to last night's drinks. She should not have agreed to that invitation.

She checks her phone.

25th December. Check

09:00. Not good

Anna Brown is a second-year university student, majoring in computer science. She grew up in a humble family and moved to this town quite recently. Her father is a dentist who runs his own clinic down the road and her mother volunteers at the public library. She is an older sister to her little princess (she calls her that).

She doesn't remember much from last night after separating with Noah and hanging out with Valorie and her boyfriend in the bar, but she does remember about the appointment that they agreed on. Meeting Noah. Especially after all that convincing it took. Valorie wasn't very trustful and needed a lot of persuasion.

Why doesn't she trust Noah? Anna wonders.

No time. They agreed to meet at the cafe by 10:00. She's cutting it too close.

After a quick shower and slamming some clean clothes, she runs down the stairs. She checks her reflection in her phone. Her round glasses are still stained from yesterday. She wipes them off and runs her fingers through her wavy dark hair.


She barely manages to stop herself before colliding with her little sister. She smiles at her.

"Good morning my little princess", she picks her up and walks towards her mother's bedroom.

"Mum, I gotta go out. I'll be back for lunch."

Anna's mother looks up from her book, tea in hand, "Don't tell me you're going to go hangout in that cafe again." she glares at her.

"It's important. I'll hurry I promise."

Without waiting for a reply from her mother, Anna sneaks in a quick kiss to her little sister and runs away. Her mum just sighs in response and gives up on replying.

The espresso machine tings. Noah Bell pours espresso into his favorite cup. A plain white cup, nothing special, at least that's how it looks. Under the cup the initials RON are carved. Half a cup of steamed milk follows the espresso into the cup as well. For some final touches, he tops off the drink with some foam. Perfect.

Noah stares out the door as he sips his drink. Expecting visitors. He had to get up a bit earlier than usual to clean up yesterday's snow. The sun shines bright today so it will help melt the snow throughout the city. He rubs his eyes. He hasn't got much sleep, not after last night's debacle.

The doorbell chimes in greeting and Noah looks up to greet his customers. An old couple walks in, all smiles.

"Good morning, what can I get for you today?" Noah smiles at them.

"Good morning to you too my darling, we'd like two cups of coffee and a pastry." the old woman answers after a look at the menu on the counter.

"Right away. Please have a seat."

The pair of them make themselves comfortable, chatting away. The wife (Noah assumes) seems to do most of the talking while the husband responds when appropriate, laughing and smiling in response.

Noah stares with a hint of envy at the pair. Such comfortable and fulfilling lives. He could only hope for one but the choices he has made this far don't seem like they'll end up leading him there. He shrugs away these thoughts and instead tries to concentrate on the drink that he's preparing.

After the drink is done, he carefully places the precut pastries on white plates decorated with purple flowers. The red cherries on the white cream make for a picturesque scene. The dark coffee to pair up with it, he's content with the outcome. He places everything on a tray and makes his way towards their table.

"Here you go." Noah places their order in front of them, "I hope you enjoy."

The couple thank him and chat away while enjoying their drinks. Noah turns up some jazz music that softens the mood around the cafe. He has no idea who the artist is or when it was produced. Anna compiled a playlist for him last winter and he has had it on loop ever since. Now the music feels natural and almost blends in with the scene in front of him.

"Noah...", He hears a familiar voice greet him from the doorway, a voice that drowns him in a wave of nostalgia. The half open door reveals a young woman. Dark blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, hooded eyes stabbing him like a pair of sabers, her narrow nose bright red from the cold air.

Rose Martinez stands awkwardly at the door, one hand still grasping the door handle while the other nervously lies on her side.

Noah Bell seems to have forgotten how to breathe at the moment. He stands there, choking on nothing, trapped in time.

"Hey", Rose whispers after a while as the transparent door shuts behind her.

"Hi Rose." he finally replies.

"How are you?", She steps closer to the counter.

"I'm good. How about you?", he asks.

"Good. Good.", she answers.

Silence. Some jazz plays in the background while the earlier couple seem to be busy talking about airplanes.

Noah Bell stares at his old friend who he hasn't seen in four years. She stands there as if no time had passed. The worst part is that seeing her there reminds him of what he was missing. What he was trying to ignore for the past few years. The bonds that he had with the girl standing before him and his best friend. Oliver.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here?" Noah asks her.

"I'm sorry.", her eyes fill with tears as she falls on her knees, "I don't know what to say. I was supposed to plan out an entire speech to apologize in a few days and beg for your forgiveness and make it up to you somehow, but I saw you yesterday...and I couldn't stop myself from seeing you. You know me, how restless I can get. I'm sorry. I should not have left like that. Please. I'm sorry I should have called. I'm sorry I didn't check on you. I lost my boyfriend, but you lost your best friend too. I should have said something. Please. I'm sorry."

Rose breaks down in tears. The older woman comes to her and warps her arm around Rose. Trying to comfort here. "Shush. It's ok darling.", she whispers.

Noah stands there not knowing what to do. He was the one who was at fault, but he never could build up the courage to send a text or a call in all these years. He should be the one apologizing, not the other way around. The husband coughs and gives a stern look to him.

"Young man. The lady poured her heart out to you now say something back.", he then asks his wife to give them some space and they both leave the cafe (after a quick payment).

Noah looks at Rose. Sobbing quietly and trying her best to wipe her puffy eyes.

"Hey. Look at me. I'm sorry too.", he places a hand on her shoulder, "and I'm glad you're here."

Rose smiles at him. He missed that smile. He really did. He had forgotten how happy that smile made him feel.

"This place is wonderful." she waves her arm around and chuckles, "I could always see you as a librarian but a barista librarian. That suits you better."

Noah smiles, "I'm glad."

"I missed you." Rose whispers, "So much."

"I missed you too."

The bell chimes and Noah turns around to find Anna, Valorie and a third presence behind them. A tall lean boy standing awkwardly behind the pair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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